funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

31 animal memes | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Bird - salithewitch: myfriendscallmekazzy: stunningpictureDeactivated: Two happy owlets AHHHHHHHHH and they're covered in snow so they're moist owlettes' and 'Photograph - TFW < AMARC goatsofanarchy 2:42 AM Q Photo Liked by fabgolf and 41,498 others goatsofanarchy Bambi & Willow View all 462 comments MARCH 25 (+) 47% D : K'

31 Wholesome Animal Memes And Tweets To Start Your Weekend With A Pawsitive Vibe

20 Fluffy Felines and Derpy Doggos in the Form of Human Funnies

20 Fluffy Felines and Derpy Doggos in the Form of Human Funnies

viral twitter thread about a girl catching a seagull with her bare hands and using it to scare children | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - who cares @DianaG2772 Legit call from the school: Principal: I just wanted to touch base with you. Your daughter was baiting seagulls into the playground with gummy worms and actually caught one; Like in her arms. It did bite her-not hard, but I needed to inform you that we filed an incident report 4:54 PM. Mar 8, 2023 12.5M Views 13.6K'

Mom Gets A Panicked Call From School About Her Daughter Catching A Seagull, Daughter's Response Is Hilarious (Viral Twitter Thread)

33 animal memes and tweets

Mid-Week Treat: 33 Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul (March 14, 2023)

13 animal tweets

Weekly Treat: Best Animal Tweets Of The Week (March 12, 2023)

viral twitter thread about a dog stopping for random strangers to take photos of it | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Ashley Nicole Black @ashleynicole Walking the dog when we pass a mom and kid taking pics. Naturally my dog stops and poses & wont move. I tug. She stays. They laugh. Finally I say "I'm sorry, you have your phones out so she thinks you want a pic of her". They pretend to snap a pic. Dog immediately walks on 3:16 AM - Mar 5, 2023 2.2M Views 1,704 Retweets'

Twitter Thread: Dog Stops In Front Of People Who Have Their Phones Out And Won't Budge Until They Take A Pic Of Her

20 capybara tweets | thumbnail capybara tweet

"Don't Worry, Be Capy:" Playfully Silly Capybara Tweets For A Better Day (March 3, 2023)

20 Wild and Witty Feline/Canine Tweets for a Goofy Hiss or Howl

20 Wild and Witty Feline/Canine Tweets for a Goofy Hiss or Howl

28 tweets of dogs and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Dog - WeRateDogs® @dog_rates Feb 5 This is Maui. He appreciates you getting him his own cozy bed, unless that means yours is off-limits now. 12/10 ALT .' and 'Vertebrate - WeRateDogs® @dog_rates Feb 16 This is Hercules. He just moved his queen to B5, leaving your king with no escape. Would tell you it's over but wants to watch you slowly realize that yourself. 13/10 ALT'

Fresh Dog Rates For A Ruff Workday That Deserve A Round Of A-Paws (25+ Tweets)

twitter thread with a video of an octopus punching a fish for no reason | thumbnail includes one picture of an octopus reaching out to punch a fish and one tweet 'Organism - Dr. Frizzle @Swilua my student and I found this video of an octopus punching a fish when we were looking for research on interspecies gestural communication in fish and we couldn't stop laughing, so I put it on a loop, please enjoy 224 8:40 PM. Feb 15, 2023 694.5K Views .'

Hilarious Video Of An Octopus Punching A Fish For No Reason Goes Viral; The Internet Can't Stop Laughing (Twitter Thread)

23 animal tweets | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Dog - why the long face' and 'Cat - P Achievement Unlocked! farted'

Lunchbreak Funnies: 23 Silly Animal Tweets With Hilarious Captions To Brighten Up Your Workday

15 silly dog tweets | thumbnail

15 Dandy & Delightful Doggo Tweets To Inspire A More Rufferific Day (February 17, 2023)

28 animal tweets | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Cat - Quintin B. Squintin M12 [] Cut Feedback' and 'Font - your chances of running into him are slim, but never zero... eds Au Closing a Math In Hastings lacina nate: January 23 MY EX HUSBAND STANLEY Adult • Lizard 6 miles away'

Sassy Twitter Account Tweets Hysterically Accurate Names For People's Pets And The Results Are Hilarious (25+ Tweets)

dog dads, dog kids, dog dad jokes, funny dogs, funny dog parents, dog moms, dog parenting, parenting, funny dog parenting tweets, funny tweets, cute dogs, parenting tweets, funny twitter, pets, funny dog parenting

The Funniest Relatable Dog Parenting Tweets of the Week (February 14, 2023)

funny twitter thread about kids thinking of their pets as humans | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Person - Kristen Mulrooney @missmulrooney My 3-year-old said she wished had pet reminded her have dog and wow genuine surprise on her face as dawned on her our dog is pet and not just some other guy who lives here. 12:02 AM. Feb 8, 2023 7.9M Views 21.8K Retweets 837 Quote Tweets 358.5K Likes'

Hilarious Moments Of Kids Realizing That Their Cats And Dogs Are Pets And Not Humans (Viral Twitter Thread)

11 animal tweets | thumbnail image of small penguin "animals i’d like to pet @wouldyoupet this lil guy!!!! 12:35 AM · Feb 12, 2023 · 68.6K  Views"

Weekly Treat: Best Animal Tweets Of The Week (February 12, 2023)