funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

23 alligator tweets | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Reptile - *jazz hands*' and 'Water Font - What in tarnation'

See Ya Later, Alligator: 23 Goofy Gater Tweets That Take A Real Bite Out Of Comedy

16 pictures of text and otters and 1 video of water and animals | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Water - She Steals Surfboards By the Seashore. She's A Sea Otter. Mark Woodward/Native Santa Cruz T' and 'Font - Jorts (and Jean) @JortsTheCat. Jul 12 Replying to @nytimes I heard her toxic otter boyfriend tried to make her stop posting swimsuit photos 30 1 49 2,090 33.5K'

Funny Female Otter Starts Stealing Surfboards, Resulting In Otter Chaos (Viral Twitter Thread)

19 animal tweets

Weekly Treat: Best Animal Tweets Of The Week (July 16, 2023)

wholesome hilarious adorable heartwarming funny memes tweets silly funny tweets animal memes funny animals - 21311237

Mid-Week Treat: 36 Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul (June July 12, 2023)

List includes funny animal tweets | thumbnail includes two animal tweets, including

16 Hilarious Animal Tweets That Prove Tweets Aren't Just For Aviators Anymore

42 wholesome animal memes

40+ Wholesome Animal Memes To Turn That Frown Upside Down

28 tweets of otters | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Eye - In Otter News.... @In_Otter_News2. Jun 19 Boop? ...' and 'Photograph - In Otter News.... @In_Otter_News2. May 30 otter content your timeline existential dread ...'

No Otter Way To Celebrate Hump Day Than With 28 Wholesome And Hilarious Otter Tweets Featuring Our Favorite Water Sausages

17 bear tweets

Wholesome Bear Tweets Featuring Floofy Friend Shaped Cuties From All Over The Twittersphere

List of funny animal memes | thumbnail includes two animal memes, including one of the orca being interviewed meme with text 'Penguin - Dov @drnelk "I'm not gonna lie. They had us in the first half. But now we got our offense and defense working together and I think you're going to see us turn this around." ALT 10:05 PM 19 Jun 23 6,323 Views . .' and including Grant Gustin next to Oliver Queen's grave meme with an orca replacing the human and a yacht photo on the grave

Whale-Come To The Orcastrated Sea Revolution With Our Favorite Orcas (15 Memes)

20 memes of bears | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Water - MEN.' and 'Photograph - Face reveal(yes, i am bear) 0:08'

20 Un-bear-ably Funny Bear Memes, Pics, And Tweets For A Bear-y Good Work Week

viral twitter thread about a girl who mistook a groundhog for a chicken | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Kristen Mulrooney @missmulrooney My 3-year-old came to tell me there was a "big big chicken" in our yard and you will never guess what it actually was 3:29 PM Jun 7, 2023 10.6M Views 8,198 Retweets 414 Quotes 133.2K Likes 3,252 Bookmarks ...'

3-Year-Old Daughter Spots A 'Big Big Chicken' In The Yard, Of Course Turns Out It Was Not A Chicken At All

14 pictures of tweets and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Product - r/RATS 5h rats ate my pride flag DURING PRIDE MONTH!!!!!! roast them Join' and 'Font - Opera GX @operagxofficial. 9h Replying to @GoodReddit sorry pride is over i ated it all 1 16 6 956'

Taste The Rainbow: Funny Twitter Thread Roasts Ravenous Rats That Ate Their Owner's Rainbow Flag And Ruined Pride For Everyone

17 capybara tweets

Cute Capybara Tweets That Sum Up The Internet's Infatuation With The World's Largest And Most Charismatic Rodent

viral twitter thread and video about a fish annoying a diver while he's working and them being lifelong friends | thumbnail includes two including a man kissing a fish and a man pushing a fish 'just read the backstory for this and the scuba diver and the fishy (named Yoriko) have known each other for 30 years and one time she was injured so he came down every day for ten days to feed her 5 crabs/day because she couldn't feed herself.........THAT'S HIS UNDERWATER BESTIE'

Giant Fish Hilariously Annoys Diver While He's Working; The Sweet 30-Year Friendship Between A Man And A Wild Fish (Viral Thread)

37 animal memes

35+ Laugh Worthy Animal Memes To Help Start The Week With A Smile

28 pictures of dogs | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Dalmatian - FEDEL IC 18249957 C3 THE ERSTATE FRUC ING PROTE LEGAL PR Cola Conchake bahat SERVE s 2006 T NOT IC 1824995' and 'Dog - TUN 다.'

25+ Dogs That Would Definitely Go To Heaven If Not For The Evidence In These Photos