funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

twitter thread and memes about a dog wearing a fluffy coat | thumbnail includes two pictures of a dog wearing a fluffy coat and one tweet 'Product - Маделейн. @normalmadeline My sister's dog did not want to go outside 9:31 PM - Feb 4, 2023 2.9M Views 9,766 Retweets 530 Quote Tweets 124.7K Likes' and one meme 'Product - brycey @gngbryce Peach has arrived at the 2023 #GRAMMYS'

Woman Dresses Her Dog In A Very Fluffy Coat, The Internet Instantly Makes It Into A Meme (Viral Twitter Thread)

26 Memes: Goofiest Canine/Feline Expressions in the Form of Human Funnies

26 Memes: Goofiest Canine/Feline Expressions in the Form of Human Funnies

24 animal memes | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Dog - you are like a wild mushroom @raccoon_motivation TOXIC' and 'Dog - I fed him 10 minutes later than usual and now he's plotting his revenge 1 11'

24 Spicy Animal Memes And Tweets For Everyone With A Bad Case Of The Mondays

20 pictures of animals and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Bird - Quick animal fact #38 Less than 5% of ducks have attempted world domination' and 'Arthropod - Quick animal fact #19: Most flies don't even get paid to be annoying. They just do it for fun'

20 Completely Reliable Animal Tweets That Are Not At All Satire

Adorable Bear Steals Show, Taking 400 Selfies via Wildlife Camera in Boulder Colorado, Leading to Internet Memes Galore

Adorable Bear Steals Show, Taking 400 Selfies via Wildlife Camera in Boulder Colorado, Leading to Internet Memes Galore

15 Tweets: Epically Cute Human Funnies for the Crowd Obsessed With Their Furry Feline/Canine Companions

15 Tweets: Epically Cute Human Funnies for the Crowd Obsessed With Their Furry Feline/Canine Companions

15 otter tweets | thumbnail left "@In_Otter_News2 "A water sausage is never late. Nor is he early. He always arrives precisely when he means to."" thumbnail right water sausages

In Otter News- Otter Tweets Featuring The Best Of Water Sausage Twitter This Week (January 17, 2023)

12 samoyed tweets | thumbnail three images panels samoyed dogs in snow "Sorry, this is a polar bear, not a dog."

"Sorry, this is a polar bear, not a dog:" Tweets Featuring Brilliant Samoyed Dogs In Their Natural Habitat

23 tweets about owls and one video of owls | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Plant - Meghan Cartwright @meggiecart. Jan 10 Replying to @waDNR and @Forest ServiceNW how dare you If we had eyes in comparison, they would be about this big. :' and 'Organism - Matthew Gravelyn @mrmatthew. Jan 10 Replying to @waDNR and @ForestServiceNW I EAT WHAT NOW?? :'

Hilarious Twitter Thread Of Owl Reacting To His Own Interview Has Us In Tears (24 Pictures & Video)

15 alligator tweets | thumbnail alligator walking on street "Gators Daily 🐊 @GatorsDaily just got my nails done"

Good Old Gator Tweets For A Goofy Start To The Day (15 Alligator Tweets)

17 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left "Thorn @takenforplanted A friend sent me a picture of this moth and it reminded me a lot of bongo cat so... bongo moth. 11:40 PM 8/26/19 Twitter Web App . " thumbnail right "synapsid-taxonomy Me: The Tasmanian devil is a voracious predator and should not be engaged with Also me: Heehoo pupper"

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul (January 3, 2023)

29 memes and tweets about animals | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Smile - All i want is snuggles @froggerdinger All I get is struggles' and 'Font - Hira @lookwhoshira Thought I was meowing back to my cat for the past hour but it turns out it was just me and my dad meowing at each other from different rooms in the house'

29 Animal Memes And Tweets To Help Cure Your Seasonal Depression

funny tweets about dogs only speaking one language | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Sophie Vershbow @svershbow My parents and I live in the same city and hire the same cleaning person and this morning she told me that my dog understands Spanish but my parents' dog does not. 4:45 PM - Dec 15, 2022 3,981 Retweets 257 Quote Tweets 153.9K Likes'

Viral Twitter Thread: Funny Moments With Dogs Who Only Understand One Language

21 dog tweets | thumbnail dog with frizzy electric fur standing up "what kind of dog is this"

20 Silliest Dog Tweets Featuring Tweets That Make Us Ask 'What Kind Of Dog Is This?'

50 dog rate tweets | thumbnail left " WeRateDogs® @dog_rates This is Jetty. He never wants to hear you complain about his barking again. 13/10" thumbnail right WeRateDogs® @dog_rates We only rate dogs. This is clearly a fresh loaf of ciabatta bread. Please only send dogs. Thank you... 14/10

50 Most Wholesome Dog Rate Tweets Of 2022 For A Big Boost Of Serotonin

22 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left tweet "crème de meme @OrWhatAbout Being a dog must be so cool. Your best friend is a gigantic omnipotent ape creature who can make food materialize out of nowhere and has unlimited love for you. 7:30 AM 2/20/20 Twitter for iPhone

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul (December 13, 2022)