Doggos N' Puppers Newsletter

Being Colorblind is Ruff

being colorblind is ruff
Via starecat
pics of dogs caught mid air

These Photos Of Dogs Jumping On Trampoline Will Lift Up Your Spirit

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pictures and tweets of dramatic dogs acting like drama queens thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog staring at a wall and a puppy lying face down in a shoe

Dogs Being The Biggest Drama Queens

sometimes dogs are just sO dramatic
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My derpy dog!

derp - 8965257728
Via Imgur
dogs vs wind, dogs with wind in their faces, dogs smiling

20 Dogs That Challenged The Wind (pics + Gifs)

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funny call out posts by dog owners

Dog Owners Are Hilariously Giving Their Dogs A Healthy Dose Of Honesty

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lazy biking dog is lazy

Cheezburger Image 8818794240
Via ScruffyLookinNerfHerder

Need I Say MORE About the Power of LOVE?

Cheezburger Image 9054701568
Created by furrgetmenot
Twitter story of a lovable family dog

Guy Reveals a 34-Year-Old Family Secret About Murdoch, The Beloved Family Dog

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big dogs with little dogs being cute together

15 Adorable Photos Of Big Dogs Hanging Out With Their Little Dog Friends

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Dog Day Afternoon

Cheezburger Image 9071203328
See all captions Created by Dzneyfreek

She Thought the View Was Pretty, but I Thought She Was Prettier

happy does has the best view
Via aotc

When a Pug Catches More Pokémon Than You

when a pug catches more pokemon than you
Via @itsdougthepug

Such Rescue. Much Hat. Wow.

such rescue much hat wow
Via chbrules
artist makes human counterparts to portraits of dogs and cats

Chinese Artist Imagines How Cats And Dogs Would Look Like If They Were People

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I come inside now?

Cheezburger Image 8965255936
Via Imgur
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