funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

29 tweets and videos of animals | Thumbnail includes one tweet including 'Rebecca Metz @TheRebeccaMetz : Replying to @lolacoaster Sweetest cat in the world was cowering under the bed, nonstop yowling, hissing, biting, scratching anyone who tried to reach her. Finally got her out w oven mitts. She was completely back to normal when we got to the emergency vet, who said, "Yeah they do that sometimes." -> $500 10:25 PM · 30 May 22 Twitter for iPhone .' and 'Horse - FEELIN CUTE WILSONT MIGHT MAKE'

29 Hysterical Tweets and Videos About Expensive Vet Bills that Make Us And Our Bank Accounts Laugh And Cry At The Same Time

24 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left penguin tweet " @CarolMaps need stop looking at weird animal facts just seen inside penguin's mouth and now everything is ruined. EVERYTHING! Flamestane OL 0"

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul (December 6, 2022)

Freshest Batch Of Most Delicious Doggo And Kitty Tweets

Freshest Batch Of Most Delicious Doggo And Kitty Tweets

15+ Funny Tweets: Ridiculously Silly Moments of Pets Interrupting Their Humans’ Zoom Meetings

15+ Funny Tweets: Ridiculously Silly Moments of Pets Interrupting Their Humans’ Zoom Meetings

Fresh Batch of Funny Cat and Dog Tweets That Are a Treat for the Soul

Fresh Batch of Funny Cat and Dog Tweets That Are a Treat for the Soul

14 animal themed tweets | thumbnail image of elephant in a tree sitting on built nest "WelBeast @WelBeast Breaking: The Elephant that was expected to fall down from the top of the tree in October has begun constructing its shelter up there...."

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets Of The Week (November 13, 2022)

26 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left smol and full of rage tiny turtle, thumbnail right raccoon meme "So small, so full of rage"

A Hearty Helping Of Animal Memes And Tweets For A Better Day

pet tweets and memes eating, sitting, smiling | thumbnail left girl hugging dog meme | thumbnail right guilty dog holding sign I ate the wall

Most Relatable Pet Memes that'll Make You Feel Ridiculously Seen

17 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left "dogs when they do something wrong, cats" thumbnail right "UAE Exotic Falconry & Finance ✓ @FalconryFinance Become ungovernable. LINCOLNSHIRE WILDLIFE PARK Zoo Separates 5 Parrots After the Birds Were Caught Encouraging Each Other to Swear At Guests"

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul (October 11, 2022)

15 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left emotional support owl meme, thumbnail right "then add one more cup of floof and let it sit"

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul (September 27, 2022)

10 obscure animal tweets | thumbnail african wildcat image "obscure animal of the day is the African wildcat! These cool cats are found in various areas throughout Africa and Central Asia. One was found buried in a human grave from the Neolithic era, lending to the idea that they are the ancestors of the modern domestic cat!"

Twitter Account Dedicated Entirely To Obscure Animals Posts A New And Rare Animal Feature Every Day

26 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left tweet "crème de meme @OrWhatAbout Being a dog must be so cool. Your best friend is a gigantic omnipotent ape creature who can make food materialize out of nowhere and has unlimited love for you. 7:30 AM 2/20/20 Twitter for iPhone" thumbnail right sick kid meme cat

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul (September 20, 2022)

10 animal tweets | thumbnail image of trail of shark geographic map, "Jeff Barnaby @tripgore A shark fitted with a GPS tracker drew a shark in the Atlantic. Toronto Montréal New York Washington "

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets Of The Week (September 18, 2022)

15 animal tweets, | thumbnail blue background "LeilaFox High-Mage LeiLei @LeilaFoxNation Replying to @PaladinAmber Animals are funny! A lady brought her parrot to the vet thinking it was dying - the vet laughed, said the only thing sick about the bird was it's sense of humor. She had been sick, so the parrot was mimicking her recent coughing/vomiting/sneezing sounds & actions...for laughs "

Animals Faking Various Illnesses And Doing Other Ridiculous Things All In Pursuit Of Attention

9 duck tweets | thumbnail image of ducks "lost dog" "let me get a duck" "hahahah duck!"

10 Internet Clippings That Will Leave You Dead Set On Domesticating A Duck

10 dog tweets | thumbnail blue background ". my morning nap ran over. so i am a few minutes late. for my midday nap. this probably means. i will be a little late. for my early afternoon nap. and my post dinner snooze. this is why buffers are necessary. between events on your schedule "

The Most Rufferific Dog Tweets Of The Week (July 22, 2022)