funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

20 animal memes and tweets

Mid-Week Treat: 20 Animal Memes and Tweets for the Soul (May 15, 2024)

20 dog tweets

Adorably Out Of Context Doggo Tweets To Help You Start The Day With Good Vibes and Pawsitivity

viral tweets about funny animal names | thumbnail includes one tweet 'thomas @perfectsweeties just learned that they put your last name on a pet's prescription which means there are pharmacists out there who went to school for years just to dispense Zoloft to a Meatball Williams 7:51 PM Apr 15, 2024 5.5M Views 399 19.5K 130K ☐ 3.7K'

Hilarious Tweets About The Silliest Pet Names Pharmacists Have Had To Sign Off On

17 capybara tweets

An Abundance of Comedic Tweets Featuring The World's Largest and Cutest Rodent, The Capybara

20 funny animal memes

Absurd Animal Memes That Passed Today's Vibe Check With Flying Colors

20 animal memes and tweets

A Tasty Mid-Week Treat: 20 Animal Memes and Tweets for the Soul (May 1, 2024)

20 animal memes and tweets

Enjoy This Delicious Mid-Week Treat in the Form of 20 Animal Memes and Tweets for the Soul (April 24, 2024)

animal memes and tweets

Mid-Week Treat: 23 Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul (April 17, 2024)

23 animal memes and pics

Amazing Assortment Of Animal Memes Capable Of Majorly Boosting Serotonin

viral twitter thread about the difference in size between dogs and wolves | thumbnail includes two pictures of a dog and a wolf standing next to one another and one tweet 'Nature is A❤ C Subscribe @AMAZINGNATU A husky next to a wolf. My entire life I thought they were the size of dogs. I've been heavily mistaken. 7:16 PM - Apr 10, 2024 - 30.5M Views 1.9K 24K 321K 22K ↑'

People Discover Just How Big Wolves Actually Are By Comparing Them To Dogs, And The Ensuing Memes And Reactions Are Hilarious

viral twitter thread about a women telling people that one of her corgis is one of the queen's dogs | thumbnail includes one tweet 'madeline odent @oldenoughtosay Pals I'm DYING I just met a lady at the market with a corgi and apparently she tells all the tourists that it's one of the queens dogs because Andrew was too busy to keep them all so she's got like a queue of tourists taking photos with her dog this is *hilarious* . 2:28 PM Apr 10, 2024 234.7K Views 21 410 15K 197 ↑'

Woman Dupes People Into Believing That Her Corgi Is One Of The Queen's Dogs, The Tourist Hilariously Line Up To Take Pictures With Them

20 animal memes and tweets

Indulge in This Delicious Mid-Week Treat in the Form of Animal Memes and Tweets for the Soul (April 10, 2024)

viral twitter thread about a dove loving a heating pad | thumbnail includes two pictures of a dove lying on a heating pad with its wing spread and one tweet gave pidgey a heating pad and now she won't stop doing This''

Adorable Pigeon Becomes Obsessed With New Heating Pad, Strikes A Pose Every Time She Gets On It

17 dog tweets

Delightful Doggo Tweets For A Dandy Day Filled With Glee

animal memes and tweets

Enjoy This Delicious Mid-Week Treat in the Form of Animal Memes and Tweets for the Soul (April 3, 2024)

animal tweets

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets Of The Week (April 2, 2024)