funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

23 animal tweets and memes | Thumbnail includes one tweet including 'stoned cold fox @roastmalone registering a goose as my emotional support animal and we just go on a rampage cause the emotion they're supporting is my rage'

23 Howlarious Animal Tweets to Avoid the Midweek Madness With the Silly Stupidity of Our Own Humanity

25 photos of animals | Thumbnail includes one photo of a cat and a dog, and one photo of two horses.

25 Uplifting Photos of Awwsome Animals Capturing One-of-a-Kind Acts of Kindness

funny pictures of animals getting x-rays | thumbnail includes two pictures including a fish getting an x-ray and a dolphin in an x-ray machine

Hilarious Pics of Animals Getting X-Rays for a Much-Needed Mood Boost

viral x thread about raccoons invading an office | thumbnail includes one picture of a raccoon 'Furgh nash flynn @itsnashflynn i just got an email from our hr department informing us that, "regrettably", our office has become “inundated” with raccoons and as of this morning, after an incident where one raccoon fell thru the ceiling, they've decided to let us work from home 10:30 PM Sep 16, 2024 2M Views 666 15.6K 102K ☐ 2.3K'

'This is Charles:' An Army of Raccoons Invade an Office, Prompting HR to Send the Most Hilarious Email to Their Employees, Asking Them to Work From Home

viral x thread about a hippo who looks mortified all the time

Hilarious Hippo Who Looks Hopelessly Horrified All the Time Instantly Becomes an Internet Meme Hit

26 animal tweets | Thumbnail includes one meme including 'Dan Ellis @dgellis0907 My god she's good. MERYL STREEP' and one tweet including 'Jonathan Edward Durham @thisoneØverhere Sometimes my dog will be lying on the couch like "I mean I'm comfortable but I'm pretty sure I could be even MORE comfortable" then get up and lie down again five inches away like "nailed it” and honestly I respect that so much'

Funny Animal Tweets to Heal Your Wholesome Sapien Spirit After a Ruff Work Week

viral twitter thread about someone accidentally petting a skunk instead of a cat | thumbnail includes one section of a tweet 'melissa's mammalian vibe reflex @melissajenna ... okay so one time my roommate and i fell asleep in the living room while watching a movie. she had cats, and i drowsily noticed the black one lay down on the floor right next to my hand, asking to be pet. so i reached down and scratched the top of its head, but its fur felt rough and wiry. "oh, what'

Person Reaches Down to Pet a Black Cat, Turns Out That It Was a Completely Different Animal Instead

viral tweets about horses in the Olympics | thumbnail includes two pictures including a man taking a selfie with a horse 'Best olympic photo so far' and a woman riding a horse that's wearing a hat 'THE HORSE HAS GOT A LITTLE CAP'

Horses Winning The Real Gold Medal In The Olympics By Becoming The Mane-Event Of The Show

viral twitter thread about people forgetting that their pets are not biologically related to them | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Caitlin Canahai @caitlincanahey ... Not to expose myself for being dumb-but the vet told me my dog had a spot that might be a melanoma and the first words out of my mouth were "oh that does run in our family.” Like, I really forgot for a sec that I did not give birth to her. 2:30 AM Jun 22, 2024 · 5.4M Views 533 14K 343K 6.8K'

Forgetting That Our Pets Are Not Biologically Ours: Hilarious Moments All Cat And Dog Owners Could Relate To

viral twitter thread about someone forgetting to take their dog to their dog's vet appointment | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Nicholas Mullan @Nicholas Mullan_ Sat in the waiting room at the vet and a lady just came walking in and goes "oh , I've left the dog at home" 6:27 PM ⚫ Jun 17, 2024 7.7M Views 747 11K 186K 3.6K ]'

Hilarious Posts Of Completely Confused Owners Forgetting To Take Their Pets To Their Pets' Appointments

aww wholesome hilarious dogs haha feline funnies adorable dog pictures adorable animals amazon reviews zoo cute cats lol funny tweets animal memes Cats funny animals - 35467525

24 Zoos Share Pawsitively Hilarious and Wildly Accurate Animal Reviews (Part 2)

viral tweets and memes about a dog that got stuck between a mop and a ladder that he's scared of | thumbnail includes one picture of a dog standing between a ladder and a mop and one tweet 'Gemmabee ☑ @gemmabeepo today Alfie got trapped in this situation. He was too scared to go further outside because he is scared of the ladder, but he was also too scared to go inside because he is scared of the mop behind him too. His only option was to stand between the two and whine • 9:06 PM'

Dog Gets Trapped Between Scary Mop And Ladder And Has An Existential Crisis, The Internet Relates Too Hard And Turns Him Into A Meme

viral twitter thread about facts about alligators | thumbnail includes one tweet '(brain) worm buxx @kayteterry So today I found out that alligators are immortal. Together with crocodiles, they have no finite lifespan. They live and grow unless they are affected by a disease, accident, or another predator. This quality, scientifically known as negligible senescence, means that crocodiles and alligators don't die because of old age. That doesn't mean they are immortal.'

'They have no finite lifespan': Alligator Facts And Memes For All The Animal Investi-gators Who Always Want To Know More

viral twitter thread and video about someone petting an octopus | thumbnail includes three pictures of an octopus wrapped around someone's leg and the person petting it and one tweet 'humans urge to pet everything is so interesting the octopus tryna end his life and his first instinct is to pet it'

'His first instinct is to pet it': Curious Octopus Takes An Interest In A Human, And He Gives Into The Urge To Do What We All Would Do

viral twitter thread about Viscachas | thumbnail includes two pictures of Viscachas and one tweet 'Nature is A C Subscribe @AMAZINGNATU Everyone should know that this animal exists. It's a Viscacha. The Viscacha is known for always looking sad, disappointed, and needing a nap. They are my new spirit animal. 9:55 AM - May 12, 2024 9.3M Views 738 17 25K 148K 20K 20K ↑'

Meet The Viscacha: The Remarkably Relatable Animal That Always Looks Sad, Disappointed And Like It Needs A Nap

viral twitter thread about a PetSmart employee who got emotional when someone adopted a mouse | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Lucy Huber @clhubes Got a mouse at PetSmart for my son and the lady who got him for us seemed so sad to see him go??? "He's been here for months," she said. And then she ran after us as we walked out "Wait!!" She said, "he doesn't bite. And he just loves broccoli." . 2:42 AM - May 17, 2024 2M Views 194 12.3K ... 94K ☐ 1.8K ↑'

Employee At PetSmart Has A Hard Time Saying Goodbye To An Adopted Pet Mouse, Leading To The Most Wholesome And Funny Interaction

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