funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

18 capybara tweets

Captivating Capybara Hilarity In The Form Of Nifty Nuggets Of Twitter Goodness

viral twitter thread about people trying to rescue animals in need only for the animals to turn out to be random objects | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Man vs Baby @mattcoyney So, ..went to the pub last night and on the walk home I came across this odd-looking bird. It looked a bit like a black hen, or something? It was in a car park just sitting there. And it was clearly badly injured, because I watched it for a bit and it wasn't moving at all... 5:53 PM Dec 27,'

Person Sees An Injured Bird On The Road And Decides To Help It, Only To Find Out That It Was Actually Not A Bird At All

viral twitter thread about a father who adopted a baby raccoon and his daughter who is outraged about it | thumbnail includes one picture of a cute baby raccoon and a tweet 'Stacy Jo Rost @StacyRost My parents had to put their dog down two years ago and it's been really hard on them. Unfortunately my stepdad, Rick, has found the worst way to cope: feeding a one-year old raccoon and letting him live on their porch. His name is Little Rick aka Rickoon. And by "feeding" him, 12:19 AM · Dec'

After Losing His Pet Dog, Dad Unexpectedly Befriends A Baby Raccoon, And His Befuddled Daughter Documents The Entire Wholesome Journey

viral twitter thread about a tiny rat living in a man's house and him catching it and freeing it | thumbnail includes one cute picture of a baby rat and a tweet 'Jules Suzdaltsev @jules_su There's a baby rat in my apartment who isn't afraid of me anymore, and refuses to enter the humane trap I set for him, so for the last few days he's just wandering around my kitchen and there's nothing I can really do. 9:29 PM Dec 28, 2023 2.5M Views 353 1.9K 60K ... 1.9K 企'

Tiny But Fearless Baby Rat Takes Over Man's Apartment, And Unexpectedly, The Man Falls In Love With It, Feeds It And Frees It

50 animal tweets | Thumbnail includes one picture of a grandmother and a dog, one picture of people standing in an empty hallway, one tweet including 'Tweets of Dogs @TweeetsOfDogs . Dec 24 I worried about my Grandma being alone after Grandpa died and got her a rescue dog. She named him Buddy, which was my Grandfather's nickname when he was a kid. They seem to be getting along pretty well...' and one tweet including 'Rob 2 @RJSzczerba. 21h For the first time in nearly 50 years, the Adams C'

The 50 Best Animal Tweets Of The Year To End The Year On A Pawsitively Howlarious Note

30 animal memes and tweets

Mid-Week Treat: 30 Animal Memes and Tweets for the Soul (December 27, 2023)

viral tweets about a train that escaped and ran onto the train tracks | thumbnail includes one picture of a cow running on train tracks and one tweet 'Julian @julestrainman Good mornin, there is currently a cow wreaking havoc on the NEC in Newark 6:14 PM Dec 14, 2023 6.4M Views 201 . 3.5K 19K 0:03/0:18 ✿ ☺ 1.2K 71 www mbi L.O'

In A Hilarious Incident In The NEC Train Station, Cow Escapes Sanctuary And Wreaks Endless Havoc For Hours

50 dog rate tweets

The 50 Most Wholesome Doggo Rates of 2023 Rounded up From the Depths of Twitter or ‘X'

20 smol animal tweets

20 Smol 'N Silly Animal Tweets That Deliver A Large Dose Of Wholesome Goodness

45 memes and tweets

Mid-Week Treat: 45 Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul (December 6, 2023)

viral twitter thread about a woman filming what her dog does when she is not home | thumbnail includes one security picture of a dog standing on a table and one tweet 'Sarah Axelrath MD @DrSarahAxelrath Got a pet cam to figure out what in God's name goes on in this house while I'm gone and this is not surprising in the slightest cufy 73 SECURITY 10:43 PM · Dec 2, 2023 1M Views 2.4K 48K - Dec 02 2023 01:28:28 PM 689 +]'

People Discover What The Heck Their Dogs Are Doing When They're Not Home, And The Results Are Predictably Hilarious (Viral Thread)

23 animals going goblin mode tweets

Silliest and Most Ridiculous 'Animals Going Goblin Mode' Tweets of The Month Featuring A Whole Lot of Mischief

animal memes and tweets

Mid-Week Treat: 40 Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul (November 29, 2023)

viral twitter thread about someone claiming to be dogsitting their own dog | thumbnail includes one tweet 'zach silberberg @zachsilberberg asked my friend what she was up to & she said “dogsitting.” i asked whose dog and she said her own. now we're in a fight because i'm insisting that when you say youre dogsitting it implies someone else's dog. she says you can say youre dogsitting your own dog. that's crazy right? 3:38 AM Nov 20, 2023 5.3M Views 1.1K 4K 140K 3.3K ... ↑'

Woman Claims She's Dogsitting Her Own Dog, The Internet Responds In Hilarious Yet Expected Fashion, By Dunking On Her (Viral Thread)

50 animal memes and tweets

Mid-Week Treat: 50+ Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul (November 22, 2023)

25 animal tweets

Weekly Treat: Funniest and Overall Best Animal Tweets of The Week (November 20, 2023)