
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

21 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Font - AITA for asking my girlfriend to give away her cat?' and 'Font - After she moved in though, my allergies became severe. I started developing hives, I start coughing, and it became difficult for me to breathe. I tried seeking medical attention and nothing seemed to help. Eventually, I decided to ask my girlfriend to give away her cat. I made a list of possible people that could take her in. When I finally asked, she said'

Allergic Boyfriend Attempts To Rehome Girlfriend's Cat Without Her Permission, Internet Destroys Him In The Comments In AITA Reddit Thread

14 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Font - AITA for hating a puppy' and 'Font - We are semi near a walking path. Next thing I know there is a pair of puppy's coming right at us. They are unleashed, and their owner is just standing on the walking path looking at them running toward us. I didn't notice them until they were pretty much on our blanket. At that point I picked up my son and yelled WTF to the guy. He looked appalled that I didn't enjoy the stunt his dogs'

AITA: Vicious Puppies Charge At Anti-Dog Daddy’s Baby At Park, Wild Overreaction Ensues, He Explodes at Puppy Owners, Internet Roasts Them Together Like An Afternoon BBQ

reddit thread about a dog who became obsessed with a croissant | thumbnail includes two pictures of a dog lying next to a croissant 'We gave our dog a baguette and for some reason she became absolutely obsessed and carried it everywhere for days. This is a time line, with her finally eating it, we regularly buy her new baguettes now.'

Dog Becomes Obsessed With Croissant, Gets Extremely Upset When She Eventually Eats It, So Now Her Owners Buy Her Endless More (Viral Thread)

19 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Font - AITA: Not Paying the Pet Sitter Because They Lost Our Cat', 'Font - Two days in he lost our key so I had to give him the garage code so he could get in. We got home after 4 days and the cat was nowhere to be found.' and 'Font - Here's the main part: we decided not to pay him. We need to rekey the house and he lost our cat, we feel he didn't feel that he took his responsibilities seriously. The bigger the mistake the b'

Pet Owner Hires Local Teen To Look After His Pets, Comes Home To Find His Cat Missing, Decides Not To Pay Irresponsible Teenager. AITA?

22 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Font - AITA for not letting my friend bring his service dog over', 'Font - My (M39) friend (M38) recently got a service dog, its a diabetic alert dog. The issue arises in that he wants to bring it to my house when I host hangouts/parties.', and 'I told my friend that his dog wasn't welcome. I offered to pay for a monitoring device he can use while at my house, but he didn't take that offer well. He let me know he wasn't happy'

Commenters Destroy AITA Author After He Refuses To Let His Diabetic Friend Bring His Service Dog To Super Bowl Party

16 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Hair - WIBTA for not going on a family vacation because my brother wants to bring his dog' and 'Font - I'm not a dog person, I despise them on airplanes. I do not want to travel with the dog (tentatively we are on the same flight), I do not want to stay the week in the same house as the dog, I do not want activities based on being dog friendly, and I do not want the dog around my son.'

Internet Divided In New AITA Post After Man Implies That His Toddler Is More Important Than Brother's Dog And Threatens To Ruin Family Vacation Over Dog's Attendance

11 text images an ode to the dumb dogs that I never appreciated | thumbnail blue background text "Everyone loves to gush how smart their dogs are. Potential dog owners dream of owning a smart dog that can learn commands on the fly and is smart as a whip. Dumb dog owners lament and diss their dog."

"An Ode To Dumb Dogs That I Never Appreciated:" An Adorably Wholesome Doggo Themed Reddit Thread

16 pictures of animals and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Terrestrial plant - Monterey Bay Aquarium @MontereyAq Follow PRAYING THEY KEEP MAKING THESE As seen on @Oatmeal. Full set is the ultimate seafood multi-tool: tenderizes, slices and serves in milliseconds! Comes in all colors plus some you can't see. #rateaspecies' and 'Bird - Katie O'Reilly @DrKatfish Follow ★★★★★Pleasantly surprised. Thought I had ordered a Roomba, but this did an excellent job of cleaning up my'

16 Funny Amazon-Like Reviews Of Underrated Animal Species That Made Us LOL

22 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Font - AITA for screaming at my pregnant fiance for not helping find my dog, who had run off? me' and 'Font - At first I went and searched myself. After maybe a half hour I came back and asked her again to come help me and she snapped "I said no! I am so tired of chasing that dog around multiple times a week when I'm already exhausted and throwing up constantly." I was panicked and unleashed some yelling, which involved me te'

Internet Absolutely Rips Dog Owner A New One In Reddit AITA Thread Over Yelling At His Pregnant Fiancé For Not Helping Him Find His Dog That Runs Away At Least Once A Week

1 video of dogs | Thumbnail includes one picture including 'Dogs'

Inspirational Video Of Wheelchair Doggos Playing At Animal Rescue Center Pulls On Our Heartstrings (And Our Wallets)

20 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes 5 pictures including 'Font - What's an animal that is not as dangerous as people think?', 'Plant community', 'Vertebrate', 'Human body - Neltrix 9 days ago Stingrays. They usually swim away from you. That mf that killed Steve Irwin was huge and was probably having a bad day and attacked.', and 'Font - TheClayroo 9 days ago Cheetahs. Don't run. They are skittish. They don't expect the prey not to run. No documented case of a cheetah attacking a human '

Reddit Explains 20 Animals That Are Not As Dangerous As Everyone Thinks

16 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Facial expression - AITA for excluding my sister from a family event because she obsessively compares her dogs to my literal human kids?' and 'Font - Our mom and her dads wedding milestone anniversary is coming up and so my husband and I thought it would be nice to throw them a nice dinner party with the whole family, so I called Amaya to tell her the plans and politely asked her not to bring her dogs for the night and listed'

AITA? Worried Woman Forbids Sister From Taking Her Dogs To Parents' Anniversary, Disinvites Her For "Not Wanting Human Babies"

19 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Font - AITA for allowing two teenagers to be spit on by a llama?' and 'Font - I told them "you might want to cut that out! Llamas spit in self-defense." But they kind of laughed my warning off.  Now, I knew that llama spit was a whole lot worse than they probably thought it was. But I decided not to tell them about that. I figured if they persisted, I'd trust the llama to teach them a lesson.'

AITA?: Zoo Employee Lets Llama To Defensively Spit Disgusting Snot On Terrible Teenagers, Then Locks Them Out Of The Bathroom So They Can't Clean Themselves

22 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Font - AITA for not getting rid of my dog when my wife asked me to?' and 'Font -  But I'm also not willing to just give up on my dog. My wife on the other hand has no qualms rehoming her because of her being bitten and her simply being completely fed up with "revolving her life around a dog when she has a baby on the way and no energy" (missing her appointment and chasing the dog around for 4 hours truly made her resentful b'

"You have 6 months to find a new trainer and correct her behaviors or the dog is gone." - Husband Prioritizes Problematic Doggo Over Pregnant Wife, AITA?

19 pictures of development and 1 timelapse video of an egg | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Liquid', 'Dish' and one comment including 'Font - That's the single most amazing thing I've ever seen, that's a life forming.'

Entrancing Timelapse Video Shows Complete Growth Of A Salamander In Exquisite Detail From Single Cell To Living Organism (Pictures & Video)

70 photos of dogs and people | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Furniture' and 'Smile - AUSTR'

30+ Dog Photoshop Battles That Went So Horribly Wrong We Can't Help But Laugh