
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

19 images of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Dog' and 'Font - UNPOPULAR OPINION r/unpopularopinion · Posted by u/dfmgreddit Loving animals is NOT a sign someone is a good person.'

Spicy Redditor Voices Unpopular Opinion About Animal Lovers: What's Your Take? (19 Images)

reddit thread about an old video of puppies being found by an archivist | thumbnail includes two black and white pictures of puppies playing 'Dog - Posted by u/MulciberTenebras 6 days ago An archivist found a long forgotten 8mm film reel in an old metal box, marked "Philipines 1942". Thinking it was lost WWII footage, he sent it in to be restored/digitized. When he got the footage back, he found puppies instead.'

Archivist Finds Long Lost Film Reel, Thinking It's Lost WWII Footage, Surprisingly Finds Puppies Instead (Viral Reddit Video)

16 comments and 1 picture of a cat | Thumbnail includes two images including 'Cat', 'Cat' and one comment including 'Smile - 43.2k r/cats Posted by u/hylice 2 days ago O: N 59 219 21 21 2 32 This is my cat, Chury, she's 21 years. Yesterday my girlfriend yelled: "can't wait till the day she's d**d ", for a mess with the litter. Today I packed everything and I'm ready to leave. What would you have done?'

Kitty Controversy: Viral Reddit Thread Forces Boyfriend To Choose Between Girlfriend Or Cat (17 Pictures)

13 reddit text images prioritizing dog over mom's stepchild | thumbnail blue background dog image american bully text "I (f32) have a 12 years old American Bully named Rory. Because of her age she had a lot of health issues. Right now she needs to have surgery. It's going to be around 6k plus about 3-4k in meds followed by 6 months in therapy that's going to be 10-12k. That brings the total to 22k the most. I can easily afford it because i have a good job (in IT),"

Doggo Owner Prioritize's Dog's Health Over Neglectful Mom's New Stepchild, Unjustly Gets Called Monster By Family

1 picture of a dog and 20 pictures of comments | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Dog - New 5 month old puppy joined the house. She needs a name, help us out. CONTY NIMAL CTROL' and 'Rectangle - Competitive Editor336 +1 Thanks for giving her a home. 2.3k Reply Share Report Save Follow ElSolenya that's an awful name for a dog 5.9k Reply Share Report Save Follow'

Redditor Asks The Hive Mind To Help Name Their Dog And The Responses Have You Laughing For Days (Pictures & Comments)

10 reddit text images texting dogs | thumbnail background smiling dog with text "IncompletePenetrance 4 days ago Kryptonite the Dane That would be great. I accidentally found myself telling my dog "I'm headed to the store, text me if you need anything" the other day and realized how ridiculous it was"

Doggo Owners Unite On Wondering What It Would Be Like To Exchange Texts With Their Dogs

34 pictures of cats and comments | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Cat - 1cLf MILE' and 'Shelf - 1431.51 CLASSIC TOMATO ETCHUP Soymilk ORIGINAL 7g SOY POWERED PROTEIN ... CHECK FOR CAT ARM BA CLOSING FRAME RING Sesame WITH C' and one comment including 'Font - There was a trip to the vet and a very pissed off cat that made this sign necessary ↑ 1,590 | + 7 replies'

It's A Bird! It's A Plane! No, It's...Fridge Cat? Who Is He And Why Does He Do It?

14 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background " An adult tiger. See i would say a lion but I have a feeling that mane is probably way less comfortable than it looks, where tigers look all sleek and soft. I want to be tackled by a tiger and pinned beneath it like a giant weighted blanket that could probably break my ribs and pet it's big fuzzy face"

Reddit Users Choose What Dangerous Animal They Would Cuddle If Given The Opportunity To Do So With Zero Consequences

40 pictures of animal digital art | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Face' and 'Pineapple' and one comment including 'Very cool but also somewhat disturbing'

Man Photoshops Animals Into Unbelievable Random Objects (40 Pictures)

24 pictures of animals | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Cat' and 'Wheel' and one comment including 'My Benny loves to have his peanuts kissed, too.'

The Cuddliest Thing For A Cold Christmas Day - Peanut Cheeks (24 Photos)

25 memes of a woman yelling at a cat | Thumbnail includes one picture including 'Photograph - People blaming me Me who was cold for the helicopter crash so I turned off the fan H' and one comment including 'LOL The BredBank relatable'

25 Of The Best "Woman Yelling At Cat" Memes That Will Have You Cackling At Work

27 pictures and videos of polar bears | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Head', 'polar bear and seal' and one comment including 'Never_Ending_Sorrow: 2 yr. ago Seal be like: "Bonjour" . . . . "Adios"'

26 Reasons To Fall In Love With Polar Bears, Including One Baby Polar Bear's Reaction To Seeing A Seal For The First Time (Pictures & Videos)

11 pictures of entertainment and one video of a dog and dancer | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Entertainment - 限量', 'Entertainment', 'Dog - Ministério do Tonsmo's Instituta Sult expressões do norte PEB 건' and one comment including 'Font - lizziegal79 11 hr. ago She even made him part of the show!'

Dancing Doggie Diva Takes To The Stage In The Middle Of A Cultural Presentation, Surprising Dancer and Audience Alike

30 memes of dogs | Thumbnail includes one picture including 'Dog - YOU SHOULDN'T EAT CLOCKS IT'S VERY TIME CONSUMING'

30 Of The Best "Bad Pun Dog" Memes For A Ruff Workday That Deserve A Round Of A-Paws

25 animal memes | Thumbnail includes two memes including 'Dog - ME: I'M SORRY, MY PLACE IS A MESS. I DON'T USUALLY BRING ANYONE TO MY PLACE. MY DOG :' and 'Glasses - Wife: Where's the dog Me: Do you have an appointment Wife: What Me: An appointment Wife: I just want to pet her Ms Fluffykins: Send her in'

25 Emergency Animal Memes To Show To Your Boss To Avoid Doing Any Actual Work

collection of the cutest animals of the week | thumbnail includes two pictures including a polar bear cub hiding behind a tree and a dog standing on top of a DIY dog house

Top 15 Cutest Animals Of The Week To Start The Day With An 'Aww' (November 20, 2022)