
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

16 reddit text images | thumbnail "Hope this list helps anyone who is trying to find the perfect breed of dog that suits their lifestyle. Always check out your local shelter first before going to a breeder. Mutts make fantastic pets! Don't limit yourself to a purebred. Also keep in mind that a dog is a fifteen-twenty year commitment that will require vet care (shots, dentals, spay/neuter, yearly exams, medications and screenings when they get old, etc.)"

Redditor With 10+ Years Experience In Pet Care Provides Comprehensive List Of Doggo Traits For Potential New Dog Parents To Peruse

11 reddit text images  | thumbnail "The problem though is that today my sister Emma (10,F) was talking quietly to that bird. She was holding him and saying things like "You know I love you right?" and kissing him on the head while the parrot would just mimic the sound. It went on for a while and she repeated that enough that it seemed like she was looking for a response so I told her "You know he doesn't understand you right" "

Buzzkill Older Brother Doesn't Let 10-Year-Old Sister Believe That She Can Speak To Family's Pet Parrot, Animal Lovers of Reddit Put Him In His Place

21 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Font - AITA for bringing an emotional support animal to a funeral despite my daughters wishes?' and 'Font - Isa quickly told me she didn't think it was a good idea. Pets were not allowed at this particular cemetery. I told her this was a rabbit (what harm could it do?) and Ava had a medical reason for bringing her rabbit. She then looked it up on google and showed me only service animals were allowed to come. I told her I'd bring'

AITA?: Father Disregards Daughter's Wishes And Brings A Pet The Funeral Anyway

13 reddit text images | thumbnail orange background large dog graphic on right side left text "machina99 9 days ago My wife (then fiancee) thought it was hilarious that I always take our dogs collars off inside - I have a 2 inch wide collar for my sighthound and that can't be comfy for lounging around! She said it's like taking off a bra after a long day, but for dogs"

Dog Owners Discuss The Importance Of Taking Their Doggos' Collars Off & Letting It All Hang Out

18 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Font - AITA for prioritizing my son's dog over my wife's pregnancy?' and 'Font - She said that there is no way to know for sure that the dog won't jump on her, and if he does our baby could be hurt. This dog has never so much as growled at her. She said even if the dog doesn't jump on her, her anxiety about it is bad for her health. She said she needs the dog elsewhere for her safety and the baby's.'

Protective Parent Prioritizes Son's Doggo Over Wife's Early Pregnancy (Reddit Thread)

14 reddit text images | thumbnail orange background

Emotional Support Doggo Owner Brings Dog To No Pet Housing, Surprised When Neighbor Gets Upset By Dog's Presence In Her Kids' Play Spaces

14 reddit text images | thumbnail orange background "I am 6'2" and 240lbs and she is a 9yo, 65lbs chow/gsd. She loves her crate and stays in there most of the day just sleeping and being old. But if I'm anywhere near the entrance and kneeling down or picking something up, she'll wrap her paws around me and try and drag me inside."

Doggo Displays Extraordinary Strength While Lovingly Dragging Owner Into Her Crate To Hang Out For A While

14 reddit text images, thumbnail background orange text "The next day I got a call from the leasing office. A "formal complaint" had been made against myself for endangering the lives of the residents. Granny and mother alleged that Tommy was too "large" to be living in the premises and that "no matter how domesticated, a dog is a wild animal" They alleged that since Tommy was walking in the courtyard, their daughter was traumatized riding her bike there. I"

Ridiculous Neighbors Request That Golden Retriever 'Tommy' Be Constrained & Banned From Courtyard Despite Living In Dog Friendly Apartment Complex

18 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes one picture including 'Font - AITA for farting on our cat? Not the A-hole Every night our cat (2M) likes to cuddle up by my (24F) legs, he usually stays there the majority of the night and I've gotten used to it. The problem arises when, during this 8 hour cycle, I need to fart. I usually just let them rip and our cat doesn't seem to mind. Or at least, he's never left the bed right after one. My partner (25M) says that this is disrespectful, and I stil'

AITA?: Curious Cat Owner Concerned Over Consistent "Cutting The Cheese" On Loving Cat

9 reddit text images sil wants to take dog on vacation  | thumbnail orange background

Inconsiderate Woman Wants To Bring Dog On Family Vacation Despite Sister-In-Law Being Highly Allergic Because Her Dog Is "Like a child to her"

21 pictures of animals and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Bird - My school hatched some ducklings. They are only a week old. Very photogenic. 57' and 'Rodent - Not everyone may agree, but I really think this belongs here (not OC)'

Cute Critters for Your Workday Woes: 21 Epically Adorable Animal Pics from Around the Animal Kingdom

26 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Font - AITA for prioritising my parrot over my stepdaughters wedding? Not the A-hole So I'm the owner of a wonderful rescued macaw. She is a wonderful bird but has a lot of issues due to an abusive former home. I've had her for 3 years and since then haven't taken any vacations or trips away as it would be too disruptive for her. She distrusts everyone and is very reliant on her routine. I love her deeply and I'm happy to m'

AITA?: Overprotective Parrot Lady Prioritizes Rescue Bird Above Assisting Stepdaughter in Upcoming Wedding

21 pictures of animals | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Insect' and 'Cat'

January Wrap Up: This Month's Top Pics That Made Us Go "Awwwwwwww"

15 reddit text images, dogs heartwarming moments | thumbnail blue background "well-ddaeng Bear - Min Pin (RIP 7 days ago I had a very similar experience with my boy, Bear. We were at the vet and I started crying because this was it, and even though he was sick and old he still crawled into my lap to lick the tears away. Nothing else mattered but the comfort of his best friend. They truly are the most loyal and loving creatures out there"

Redditors Share Heartwarming Moments When Their Dogs Supported Them Emotionally More Than Humans Ever Could

22 pictures of snakes | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Organism' and 'Snake'

Someone Randomly Drew Doodle Arms On Snakes And The Results Are Hissterical

30 pictures, comments, and videos of elephants | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Cabinetry', 'Hand', and 'Font - "This is not a good place for an elephant" coffee cups and cutlery being tossed.'

It's Time To Talk About The Elephant In The Room: Woman Fosters Baby Elephant And It Absolutely Destroys Her House (Pictures and Videos)