
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

23 pictures of text and animals | Thumbnail includes four pictures including 'Font - What do they want? Wrong answers only.', 'Dog', 'Font - Quirky_Butterfly_946 16 hr. ago They look like they are starting an intervention. 4 2.1K ↓ Reply ↑ Share', and 'Font - speedledee 15 hr. ago ● Your drinking is doing us a heckin concern'

Comedic Commenters Write Only Wrong Answers On Guilty Pet Picture in Hilarious Reddit Thread (20+ Ridiculous Responses)

19 pictures of signs and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Plant - ali We like to throw "DOG POOP" In other peoples yards. Want video we have it!!! Red circle' and 'Font - We like to throw "DOG POOP" In other peoples yards. Want video we have it!!!'

Neighbors Sick of The Stinky Situation In Their Yard, Erect Giant Poop Shaming Sign For Petty Revenge In Neighborhood Feud (Hilarious Reddit Thread)

19 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two photos including 'Font - AITA for unionizing my (26M) dogs against my boyfriend (30M)?' and 'Font - He came home yesterday and found his favorite pair of his socks decimated all over the living room and was furious that I didn’t stop them. I told him they were the socks he stuffed in the couch yesterday and he should have put them in the hamper. He stormed off to his office and is not talking to me. AITA?'

Boyfriend Trains His Doggos To Tear Up Piggish Partner's Dirty Socks That He Stuffs In The Couch In New AITA, Redditors Eat Up The Petty Drama

18 reddit text comments

Dog Owners Discuss The Weird Necessity Of Having Tons Of Silly Nicknames For Their Doggos And Give Many Adorable Examples

16 reddit comments wild animals coming in through pet doors

Redditors Tell Ridiculously Entertaining Stories About The Times Wild Animals Entered Their Homes Through Cat/Dog Doors

15 funny pictures of cats|Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'cat with reflection in mirror' and 'cat stretching on a mirror' and a comment including the words 'demonically AHH the sacrifice has arrived'

15 Times We Accidentally Walked In On Our Cats Summoning A Demon

28 pictures of animals | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Helmet - MAOS 19' and 'Dog'

When Animals Attack Inanimate Objects: 28 Hilariously Absurd Critters Caught in Comical Conundrums

14 reddit comments dog owner etiquette

Doggo Owners Of Reddit Discuss Response Etiquette For When Random Strangers Compliment Their Dogs

21 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Font - AITA for putting a bag of dog poop in a stranger's trash can?', 'Font - A man mowing his lawn at the house next door (it was not his trash can) went off. He ran over and yelled at my wife: "You're disgusting. You can't do that. Why would you put your dog's waste (his term) in someone else's can." She said: "it is a garbage can. People put nasty things in garbage cans. That's what they're for." He harassed her until'

Doo-Doo Dilemma: Neighbor Yells At Man For Dumping His Dog's Doody In Stranger's Trashcan Leading To A Smelly Situation In New AITA Reddit Thread

19 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Font - My dog is struggling on his mindfulness journey [Emotional Support]' and 'Font - I know this is a fairly common topic in dog training, but I just had to vent here. My dog is struggling on his mindfulness journey, and it's really bringing me down. Though he appears to grasp the basics of mindfulness, esoteric and deeper aspects remain elusive. We just returned from a walking meditation. It was particularly disappointing'

Mindful Mutt Fails at Meditation In Favor of Squirrel Chasing and Disappoints Dog Owner, Redditors Playfully Poke Fun At 'Enlightened' Owner and His Canine Catastrophe

1 picture of sea creature and text and 1 video of sea organism | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Font - sm12511 6 hr. ago NOM NOM NOM!', 'Marine invertebrates', and 'Font - KnOtnatural 7 hr. ago Reminds me of someone I know'

Redditor Posts Terrifying Video of a Sea Cucumber Nomming, Hilarious Comments and Nightmares Follow

Bunnypocalypse Takes Over Snarky Neighbor's Yard After Nitpicking HOA Bans a Family's Pets, They Unleash an Army of Rabbits in His Yard as Revenge

Bunnypocalypse Takes Over Nasty Neighbor's Yard After Nitpicking HOA Bans a Family's Pets, They Unleash an Army of Rabbits in His Yard as Revenge

23 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Font - AITA for cancelling my wedding because fiancee almost got my dog k*lled?' and 'Font - On Saturday, my fiancee had a bachelorette party at home. I made sure to tell her to put the dog in our bedroom once the party gets going. 5am on Sunday I get a frantic call that something's wrong with the dog. The doctor told me my dog ingested large amounts of alcohol and chocolate edibles. The girls thought it would'

Fresh Off The Press: Flighty Fiancé Cancels Wedding With Negligent Girlfriend After She Messes Up And Has To Take His Dog To The Hospital In AITA Reddit Thread

1 picture of a cat and 19 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes five pictures including 'Cat - 16', 'Human body - Quirky Movie 3 hr. ago Voids are standard now on new cars.', 'Automotive lighting - Max-Carnage1927 Helps the engine purr. +2.5 hr. ago', 'Font - Liesmith424 . 1 hr. ago "I already cut your brakes."', and 'Font - egoMetalMonkey . 4 hr. ago that'll be $465'

'Congrats On Your New Cat!': Man Finds Tiny Kitten Hiding In His Car Engine, Wonders If It's Covered Under The Warranty In Hilarious Reddit Thread

18 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Font - AITA for giving my wife and dog similar nicknames?' and 'Font - Recently I started referring to my dog as "pupperino" whenever she starts whining. Ex: "What's wrong pupperino?". The first few times I said this, my pregnant wife just went quiet and removed herself from the room. But recently, when I called my wife the nickname I had given her 12 years ago, she told me never to call her that again (Baberino). When I asked'

'Don't Call Me That Anymore': Insensitive Man Gives His Annoying Dog A Pet Name Similar To His Pregnant Wife's Pet Name, Gets Read For Filth In New AITA

21 pictures of animals and text | Thumbnail includes four pictures including 'Siberian tiger', 'Human body - shiroh7 3 yr. ago Tony the Tiger's Cartel days', 'Font - FreakingInTongues · 3 yr. ago . El Tigre del Norte', and 'Font - [deleted] 3 yr. ago Tiger has a better dental plan than me'

Tiger Rescued From Private Owner In Italy, Gets Cracked Tooth Replaced With Gold One, Becomes The Internets New Final Boss