Daily Squee Newsletter


Cute is a subjective word used for describing small, pleasing and non-threatening features, typically found on people, animals, objects and even ideas.

bed puppy kitten cute Cats Video - 67696385

Cute Game of Whack-a-Mole Between a Kitten and Puppy

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The Cutest Little Sniffer

noses gifs cute squee - 8299810560
Via perplexedhedgehog

Tiniest Hoofed Animal (Mouse Deer) Born At Prague Zoo

Photo of mouse deer born at Prague Zoo
Via ZooBorns
cute laser Cats funny the pet collective Operation Aww - 55062785

The Eternal Struggle

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cat pics taken right in the middle of a yawn to make it appear that the mighty little feline friend is roaring like a lion RAWWR

15 Adorable Roaring Kittens

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I Can Fly!

fly penguins cute funny - 8010794496

Wave Them Like You Just Don't Bear

panda cub cute bear - 7776668672
See all captions Created by joe

The Various Sizes of Elephants

gifs critters cute elephants funny - 7818021632


cute face hamsters - 3180924416


bat cute nerd jokes Pokémon - 4127738368
Created by lindsabts


cat cute hug kitty - 4247300864
Created by Smirnov
tree kangaroo cute Video - 72384257

An Orphaned Tree Kangaroo Has the Chance to Play and Grow After Being Fostered by a Wallaby Mom

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cute Cats Video - 65104129

Meet Napoleon the Adorable Cat!

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bath cute mud elephants Video - 65896193

It's Time to Get Down and Dirty With These Elephants

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Hop on Board the Mama Train!

Babies cute possums squee mama - 8256557312
Via Daily Picks and Flicks

Let's Hug Like the Goats do

cute hugs goats love - 8204918272
Via mydream198012