
viral twitter thread about what today's animals would look like if we treated them like we treat extinct animals | thumbnail includes one picture of a shrink-wrapped rhinoceros and one tweet 'Paleo artists often "shrink wrap" fossilized animal depictions The T-Rex, Utahraptor, Triceratops-popular depictions of each of these animals shows skin so close to bone that it might be unrealistic So let's shrink-wrap existing animals] Can you guess what this is?'

Fascinating Thread Of 'Shrink-Wrapped' Animals To Remind You Just How Little We Know About What Extinct Animals Actually Look Like

18 dog tweets

Terrific Tweets of Out of Context Doggos To Make Your Tail Wag With Delight

viral tweets and videos of raccoons doing handstands after eating | thumbnail includes two pictures of raccoons doing handstands and one tweet 'Sue @CameraTrapSue Here's the handstand raccoon from the water bowl camera. After researching online, it appears to be a thing they do. In over 15 years of constant camera trapping this is only the second time I have this behaviour recorded. 0:00 / 0:11 71 K 27 F 03/25/2024 03:37AM SUE HP 5 5:05 PM · Mar 25, 2024 1.5M Views'

Adorably Goofy Raccoons Doing Handstands, Because Apparently, That's A Thing They Do

animal memes and tweets

Enjoy This Delicious Mid-Week Treat in the Form of Animal Memes and Tweets for the Soul (March 27, 2024)

17 animal tweets

The Funniest and Overall Best Animal Tweets We Found On 'X' This Week (March 27, 2024)

twitter thread about reasons pets would get fired from their jobs | thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Post a photo of your pet and why you would fire them from their job' a dog 'Sucking up to the boss too much' and a cat eating 'Stealing your bosses sandwich'

Twitter Users Share The Funniest Reasons They Think Their Pets Would Get Fired From Their Jobs

viral twitter thread about a taxi driver that has a small bird in its car | thumbnail includes two pictures including a tiny bird on a dashboard and someone holding a small bird and one tweet 'Eugene V. D.E.B.S. (2004) @sarahwaters420 I was taking a rideshare today and thought the driver said something to me but he was like “no no I was talking to Patricio" and then plopped Patricio down on the dashboard 10:16 PM Mar 22, 2024 · 1.4M Views • 89 1 6.1K 57K ☐ 3K ←'

Taxi Driver Casually Plops A Tiny Bird Named Patricio Onto The Dashboard, Letting The Passenger Hold The Bird The Whole Ride

viral twitter thread about a boss stepping out of meetings to feed ravens | thumbnail includes one tweet 'S.LIZ @slizagna my boss has interrupted our meetings multiple times because she has to go outside to feed the ravens. she always comes back five minutes later with some ominous like "you need to befriend them or they'll turn against you." like ok get it girl. cawcaw. build that bird army. 1:49 AM · Mar 8, 2024 827K Views 62 12.3K 38K ☐ 1.2K ↑'

Boss Interrupts Meetings Because She Has To 'Feed The Ravens' Or They'll Turn Against Her, And Surprisingly, Users Agree With Her

viral twitter thread about a dog that saved a whole neighborhood by detecting a gas leak | thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog wearing reindeer ears and a dog next to a hole in the ground and some text 'Meet Kobe, a four-year-old husky from a Philadelphia neighborhood who turned into a local hero. Kobe's owner, Chanell Bell, noticed him persistently digging a hole in her front yard. This was unusual behavior for Kobe, which piqued Chanell's curiosity.'

Heroic Husky Saves Entire Neighborhood From Disaster By Detecting A Dangerous Gas Leak And Becomes A Local Hero

14 dog rates

Pure Doggo Delight In The Form of Fresh and Wholesome Dog Rates Hot off the "X" Press For An Express Route To Happiness

23 animal memes and tweets

Mid-Week Treat: Animal Memes and Tweets for the Soul (March 13, 2024)

viral tweets and thread about a stingray that got unexpectedly pregnant | thumbnail includes a text exchange 'I need to vent Today 7:52 AM There's a pregnant stingray in NC and there was 0 male stingrays in the enclosure. They think she either self reproduced (sting Jesus) or one of the 2 male sharks in the encounter got her knocked up (shark ray) Hit me Read 8:20 AM' and a tweet 'Hank Green @hankgreen FYI Charlotte the stingray is not pregnant with shark rays (unfortunately impossible)'

Stingray Gets Pregnant With No Males Around, Turns Out She Did Not Get Impregnated By A Shark Or Self-Reproduce, It's Much Weirder Than Both

viral thread ad posts about a calf that was born with two faces | thumbnail includes a picture of a calf with two faces and one tweet 'blue @sadspeil Two-faced calf born Feb 28th on breaux farm in louisiana. The calf was named Deux Face, French for two face. As of today (March 2nd) she's still alive and well 8:29 PM Mar 2, 2024 1.9M Views 289 7.9K 81K 4.2K 1'

A Two-Faced Calf Is Born In A Miraculous Moment, The Internet Gathers Together To Wish Deux Face A Healthy And Happy Life

36 animal memes and tweets

Mid-Week Treat: 36 Animal Memes and Tweets for the Soul (February 28, 2024)

viral twitter thread about different ways that cats and dogs react to lamb chop toys | thumbnail includes two pictures and two tweets including a black cat and a toy in a bowl of water 'parisian cowgirl cartierdior this is so cute! my cat waterboards his lamb chop' and a dog cuddling with a toy 'broti gupta @BrotiGupta question: my dog is OBSESSED with his lamb chop toy. Does he think it's his child? His mom? ??'

Adorable Doggos Who Are Obsessed With Their Lamb Chop Toys And Criminal Cats Who Straight-Up Demolish Theirs

viral twitter thread about parrots being expensive and difficult to deal with birds | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Janel Comeau @VeryBadLlama every TikTok video of a parrot doing something charming should begin and end with a 15-second clip of the words "this bird is a flying toddler that costs $3000 and never dies" over and over again 4:25 AM Feb 21, 2024 4.9M Views 210 3.8K 49K 1.6K ... ←'

Parrots Are Flying Toddlers That Cost Thousands Of Dollars And Never Pass, And These Hilarious Stories Are The Proof