
viral thread about a horse that was rescued running back into fire to rescue two other horses | thumbnail includes one picture of three horses running 'Horse that was already rescued turns back to save two other horses during the California fires'

Heroic Horse That Was Already Rescued Turns Back to Save Two Other Horses, Turns Out She Was the Foal’s Concerned Grandmother, and She Needed to Defend Her Family

viral thread about a dog that was abandoned in a toilet getting rescued and adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a dirty dog and a happy dog on its back 'A story to put a massive smile on your face today. There is no dog in the world who deserves this more than Mr Big. Exactly 2 months ago on the 29th May we found him dying alone in a toilet. He was done. Well today was the greatest day in his life (1/10)'

'2 months ago he had nothing... Now he has everything in the world': Dog That Was Abandoned Alone in a Toilet Gets Rescued and Makes an Amazing Recovery

viral twitter thread about vets hiding animals that are set to be euthanized and saving them | thumbnail includes one tweet 'FESS fesshole HOLE @fesshole Retired vet. Whenever someone brought in a perfectly healthy animal to be put to sleep, I always encouraged it to be done privately in their absence. If they agreed, I secretly sent the animal to some friends who run a rehoming centre. Still charged for the "euthanasia". 8:25 PM ⚫ Jun 26, 2024 4.4M Views 1.2K 14.4K 134K ☐ 2.6K ↑'

Veterinarian Confesses To Secretly Sending Perfectly Healthy Animals That Were Brought In To Be Put To Sleep To A Rehoming Center

viral twitter thread about people forgetting that their pets are not biologically related to them | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Caitlin Canahai @caitlincanahey ... Not to expose myself for being dumb-but the vet told me my dog had a spot that might be a melanoma and the first words out of my mouth were "oh that does run in our family.” Like, I really forgot for a sec that I did not give birth to her. 2:30 AM Jun 22, 2024 · 5.4M Views 533 14K 343K 6.8K'

Forgetting That Our Pets Are Not Biologically Ours: Hilarious Moments All Cat And Dog Owners Could Relate To

viral twitter thread and video about a squirrel waterskiing in a mall | thumbnail includes three pictures of a squirrel waterskiing 'I'm at the mall and there is a squirrel waterskiing. America truly is the land of opportunity'

Person Finds Random Squirrel Waterskiing In A Mall, Others Gather To Watch The Hilariously Nutty Display

viral tweets and memes about a dog that got stuck between a mop and a ladder that he's scared of | thumbnail includes one picture of a dog standing between a ladder and a mop and one tweet 'Gemmabee ☑ @gemmabeepo today Alfie got trapped in this situation. He was too scared to go further outside because he is scared of the ladder, but he was also too scared to go inside because he is scared of the mop behind him too. His only option was to stand between the two and whine • 9:06 PM'

Dog Gets Trapped Between Scary Mop And Ladder And Has An Existential Crisis, The Internet Relates Too Hard And Turns Him Into A Meme

viral twitter thread about a person adopting a fat rat who turned out to be pregnant and gave birth | thumbnail includes two pictures including two baby rats cuddling and a mouse with red eyes and one tweet 'So everyone is goofing on that goldfish guy, but one day my dog rescue got a call from a farmer. "I got some rat here, she ain't wild, I found her in my field and I got her in a cage" and we are fully expecting this dude to show up with a wild rat buuuuuut'

'They were the most friendly and people-loving rats': Person Rescues An 'Awfully Fat' Rat, She Gives Birth To 13 Adorable Babies Who Need To Be Hand-Fed With A Tiny Syringe

viral twitter thread and tweets about a fawn following a woman home during the full moon and her rescuing him | thumbnail includes three pictures including a fawn lying down and a fawn standing next to a woman and a fawn next to a cat 'Full moon go crazy. A little fawn came out and started following me. Wildlife rehab said they will take him in the morning'

Cute Fawn Follows Person Home, Gets Rescued, Confuses Their Cat, Then Cuddles With Their Rescuer All The Way Back To The Shelter

viral twitter thread and video about someone petting an octopus | thumbnail includes three pictures of an octopus wrapped around someone's leg and the person petting it and one tweet 'humans urge to pet everything is so interesting the octopus tryna end his life and his first instinct is to pet it'

'His first instinct is to pet it': Curious Octopus Takes An Interest In A Human, And He Gives Into The Urge To Do What We All Would Do

viral twitter thread about Viscachas | thumbnail includes two pictures of Viscachas and one tweet 'Nature is A C Subscribe @AMAZINGNATU Everyone should know that this animal exists. It's a Viscacha. The Viscacha is known for always looking sad, disappointed, and needing a nap. They are my new spirit animal. 9:55 AM - May 12, 2024 9.3M Views 738 17 25K 148K 20K 20K ↑'

Meet The Viscacha: The Remarkably Relatable Animal That Always Looks Sad, Disappointed And Like It Needs A Nap

viral twitter thread about a PetSmart employee who got emotional when someone adopted a mouse | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Lucy Huber @clhubes Got a mouse at PetSmart for my son and the lady who got him for us seemed so sad to see him go??? "He's been here for months," she said. And then she ran after us as we walked out "Wait!!" She said, "he doesn't bite. And he just loves broccoli." . 2:42 AM - May 17, 2024 2M Views 194 12.3K ... 94K ☐ 1.8K ↑'

Employee At PetSmart Has A Hard Time Saying Goodbye To An Adopted Pet Mouse, Leading To The Most Wholesome And Funny Interaction

20 animal memes and tweets

Mid-Week Treat: 20 Animal Memes and Tweets for the Soul (May 15, 2024)

20 dog tweets

Adorably Out Of Context Doggo Tweets To Help You Start The Day With Good Vibes and Pawsitivity

viral twitter thread about a girl taking a mouse with a broken leg to the vet | thumbnail includes one tweet 'worms cited @christapeterso when I was a kid I took a mouse with a broken leg to the vet to have it amputated and afterwards the vet asked me what I thought was a good price and I was like “... $50?” and he asked me if I had $50 and I said no I do not and he charged me 5 10:47 AM May 4, 2024 3.5M Views 88 13.3K 169K ☐ 3.8K'

Adorable Kid Takes A Mouse With A Broken Leg To The Vet, The Kind Vet Asks Her How Much She Wants To Pay For The Tiny Amputation

viral tweets about funny animal names | thumbnail includes one tweet 'thomas @perfectsweeties just learned that they put your last name on a pet's prescription which means there are pharmacists out there who went to school for years just to dispense Zoloft to a Meatball Williams 7:51 PM Apr 15, 2024 5.5M Views 399 19.5K 130K ☐ 3.7K'

Hilarious Tweets About The Silliest Pet Names Pharmacists Have Had To Sign Off On

17 capybara tweets

An Abundance of Comedic Tweets Featuring The World's Largest and Cutest Rodent, The Capybara

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