
viral twitter thread about a parrot who fell in love with the star on top of the Christmas tree | thumbnail includes a picture of a parrot sitting on a Christmas tree and one tweet 'huffy @sulkingtime the tree needs to come down but he's fallen in love with the star and will sit up there for hours mumbling and singing to it 12:30 AM. Jan 7, 2024 · 635.2K Views . 83 1.9K 31K 742 ↑'

Tiny Parrot Falls In Love With The Shiny Star On Top Of The Christmas Tree, Mumbling And Singing To It, Now His Owner Faces A Dilemma

viral twitter thread about a dog who wants his owner to sit with him while he eats | thumbnail includes one tweet 'kelly andrew @KayAyDrew My dog has always eaten his meals in the mudroom but lately he's been refusing to eat. I thought it was the brand. Then I thought he might be sick. We went to the vet. We tried new food. Nothing. It turns out that in his old age he just wants someone to sit by him while he eats. 2:30 PM. Jan 8, 2024 2.5M Views 698 3.7K ... 89K 2K ←]'

Concerned Owner Whose Dog Was Refusing To Eat Finds Out That Her Sweet Senior Pup Simply Wanted Her To Sit With Him While He Ate All Along

collection of funny and relatable animal tweets | thumbnail includes one tweet 'jim @jamesmurtagh Absolute easiest way to raise your vibration is by saying hello to animals when you pass them. Anyone who scoffs at someone waving to a bird is wallowing in hell. Say hello to a duck and you will naturally attract your dreams. 6:53 PM Dec 27, 2023 1.3M Views 160 5.8K 50K : 2.5K'

Funny Yet Mildly Absurd Tweets Every Animal Person Could Relate To In The Depths Of Their Soul

viral twitter thread about a dog who led its owner to a bush with a grilled cheese sandwich in it | thumbnail includes one picture of a dog and one tweet 'maya @mayaisfiya last night i was walking frankie and she started sniffing the air rly intently so i let her follow the trail cause i was like omg what if it's a missing person?? we could save them!!! but no, it was a grilled cheese sandwich in a bush 8:26 PM Dec 31, 2023 · 1.8M Views 71 2.2K 60K Subscribe 851 ↑'

Pawdorably Silly Dogs Who Led Their Humans On Adventures With Unexpectedly Funny Endings

18 capybara tweets

Captivating Capybara Hilarity In The Form Of Nifty Nuggets Of Twitter Goodness

viral twitter thread about people trying to rescue animals in need only for the animals to turn out to be random objects | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Man vs Baby @mattcoyney So, ..went to the pub last night and on the walk home I came across this odd-looking bird. It looked a bit like a black hen, or something? It was in a car park just sitting there. And it was clearly badly injured, because I watched it for a bit and it wasn't moving at all... 5:53 PM Dec 27,'

Person Sees An Injured Bird On The Road And Decides To Help It, Only To Find Out That It Was Actually Not A Bird At All

viral twitter thread about a father who adopted a baby raccoon and his daughter who is outraged about it | thumbnail includes one picture of a cute baby raccoon and a tweet 'Stacy Jo Rost @StacyRost My parents had to put their dog down two years ago and it's been really hard on them. Unfortunately my stepdad, Rick, has found the worst way to cope: feeding a one-year old raccoon and letting him live on their porch. His name is Little Rick aka Rickoon. And by "feeding" him, 12:19 AM · Dec'

After Losing His Pet Dog, Dad Unexpectedly Befriends A Baby Raccoon, And His Befuddled Daughter Documents The Entire Wholesome Journey

viral twitter thread about a tiny rat living in a man's house and him catching it and freeing it | thumbnail includes one cute picture of a baby rat and a tweet 'Jules Suzdaltsev @jules_su There's a baby rat in my apartment who isn't afraid of me anymore, and refuses to enter the humane trap I set for him, so for the last few days he's just wandering around my kitchen and there's nothing I can really do. 9:29 PM Dec 28, 2023 2.5M Views 353 1.9K 60K ... 1.9K 企'

Tiny But Fearless Baby Rat Takes Over Man's Apartment, And Unexpectedly, The Man Falls In Love With It, Feeds It And Frees It

30 animal memes and tweets

Mid-Week Treat: 30 Animal Memes and Tweets for the Soul (December 27, 2023)

viral twitter thread about parrots being jerks | thumbnail includes two tweets 'who cares @DianaG2772 My parrot can't say much, aside from off," "what the...," and "that's nice," but twice now he's yelled "BOIL THE SPAGHETTI JIMMY," at my cat. 2:47 PM 22 Dec 23 489K Views 1,415 Reposts 49 Quotes 27.6K Likes Follow 632 Bookmarks' and 'Doxxed Spinster @SpinsterEmily Replying to @DianaG2772 My uncle had a parrot that used to mock the dog by imitating the doorbell and asking if he wanted to go'

Hilarious Tweets Of Parrots Saying The Most Random Unexpected Things And Confusing The Heck Out Of Everyone Around Them

viral twitter thread about someone adopting a pigeon and more animals getting adopted | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Gabrielle Drolet @gabrielledrolet when I got the pigeon from the spca i was behind someone who'd just paid $500 for a puppy. so I go and I fill out the paperwork and they’re like "ok that'll be $15." and I said “what." and they said “that'll be $15." and I said "are you sure??" and they said “ya. it's a pigeon" 10:28 PM Dec 19, 2023 2.6M Views 212 2.4K 74K : 1.9K ↑'

Adopt, Don't Shop: Wholesome Stories Of People Adopting The 'Cheapest' Animal At The Shelter And Loving Every Second Of It

viral tweets about a train that escaped and ran onto the train tracks | thumbnail includes one picture of a cow running on train tracks and one tweet 'Julian @julestrainman Good mornin, there is currently a cow wreaking havoc on the NEC in Newark 6:14 PM Dec 14, 2023 6.4M Views 201 . 3.5K 19K 0:03/0:18 ✿ ☺ 1.2K 71 www mbi L.O'

In A Hilarious Incident In The NEC Train Station, Cow Escapes Sanctuary And Wreaks Endless Havoc For Hours

50 dog rate tweets

The 50 Most Wholesome Doggo Rates of 2023 Rounded up From the Depths of Twitter or ‘X'

twitter thread about a gorilla who saved a child that fell into her enclosure | thumbnail includes two pictures of a gorilla holding a human child and one tweet 'Fascinating → @fascinate Subscribe In 1996, an unidentified 8-year-old boy slipped away from his mother, climbed over a barrier, and fell into the Gorilla Enclosure. Due to the 20 ft fall, the boy broke his hand and suffered a deep laceration to his face. Seven gorillas inhabited the enclosure. Gorillas are known to'

The Amazing Story Of How 8-Year-Old Boy Who Fell Into A Gorilla Enclosure Got Heroically Rescued By One Of The Mother Gorillas

20 smol animal tweets

20 Smol 'N Silly Animal Tweets That Deliver A Large Dose Of Wholesome Goodness

45 memes and tweets

Mid-Week Treat: 45 Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul (December 6, 2023)