
16 reddit comments wild animals coming in through pet doors

Redditors Tell Ridiculously Entertaining Stories About The Times Wild Animals Entered Their Homes Through Cat/Dog Doors

twitter thread about a husky reacting to a robot dog | thumbnail includes three pictures of a husky on a leash running away from a robodog and one tweet 'Asphalt - Olivia Wong @OliviaWong123 On a streeet in Chognqing city, when a #Husky meets a #robot dog friend, it seems that the Husky is a little bit afraid 514.3K views (70) THE AFREDER 0:00/0:17 7 K'

Husky Encounters A Robodog For The First Time, Its Reaction Is Funny As Heck (Twitter Thread)

collection of funny tweets about a parrot that has gone missing | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Rectangle - bria celest @55mmbae : There's a parrot missing in my neighborhood and it's a $3,000 reward for him. I be outside twice a day with hella crackers hoping he shows up 4:11 PM Mar 27, 2023 2.4M Views 5,155 Retweets 457 Quotes 71.9K Likes 474 Bookmarks'

Owners Offer 3,000$ For Parrot That Goes Missing, Twitter Users Meme The Heck Out Of It (Viral Thread)

viral twitter thread about a male eagle trying to incubate a rock | thumbnail includes two pictures including an eagle sitting on the ground and a sign and one tweet 'Organism - brooke foster, 2023 edition @lonesometoast losing it Is that Eagle hurt?! f you see an eagle lying down in the ack left corner under a perch, that's Murphy! urphy is not hurt, sick, or otherwise distress. He has built a nest on the round, and is very carefully incubatir a rock! We wish him the best of luck 10:52 '

Male Eagle Decides To Build A Nest And Attempt To Incubate A Rock, The Zoo Asks Visitors To Not Worry About Him (Viral Twitter Thread)

reddit thread about a dog who became obsessed with a croissant | thumbnail includes two pictures of a dog lying next to a croissant 'We gave our dog a baguette and for some reason she became absolutely obsessed and carried it everywhere for days. This is a time line, with her finally eating it, we regularly buy her new baguettes now.'

Dog Becomes Obsessed With Croissant, Gets Extremely Upset When She Eventually Eats It, So Now Her Owners Buy Her Endless More (Viral Thread)

viral twitter thread about a girl catching a seagull with her bare hands and using it to scare children | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - who cares @DianaG2772 Legit call from the school: Principal: I just wanted to touch base with you. Your daughter was baiting seagulls into the playground with gummy worms and actually caught one; Like in her arms. It did bite her-not hard, but I needed to inform you that we filed an incident report 4:54 PM. Mar 8, 2023 12.5M Views 13.6K'

Mom Gets A Panicked Call From School About Her Daughter Catching A Seagull, Daughter's Response Is Hilarious (Viral Twitter Thread)

11 text images an ode to the dumb dogs that I never appreciated | thumbnail blue background text "Everyone loves to gush how smart their dogs are. Potential dog owners dream of owning a smart dog that can learn commands on the fly and is smart as a whip. Dumb dog owners lament and diss their dog."

"An Ode To Dumb Dogs That I Never Appreciated:" An Adorably Wholesome Doggo Themed Reddit Thread

viral twitter thread about a dog stopping for random strangers to take photos of it | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Ashley Nicole Black @ashleynicole Walking the dog when we pass a mom and kid taking pics. Naturally my dog stops and poses & wont move. I tug. She stays. They laugh. Finally I say "I'm sorry, you have your phones out so she thinks you want a pic of her". They pretend to snap a pic. Dog immediately walks on 3:16 AM - Mar 5, 2023 2.2M Views 1,704 Retweets'

Twitter Thread: Dog Stops In Front Of People Who Have Their Phones Out And Won't Budge Until They Take A Pic Of Her

11 reddit text images  | thumbnail "The problem though is that today my sister Emma (10,F) was talking quietly to that bird. She was holding him and saying things like "You know I love you right?" and kissing him on the head while the parrot would just mimic the sound. It went on for a while and she repeated that enough that it seemed like she was looking for a response so I told her "You know he doesn't understand you right" "

Buzzkill Older Brother Doesn't Let 10-Year-Old Sister Believe That She Can Speak To Family's Pet Parrot, Animal Lovers of Reddit Put Him In His Place

funny twitter thread about kids thinking of their pets as humans | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Person - Kristen Mulrooney @missmulrooney My 3-year-old said she wished had pet reminded her have dog and wow genuine surprise on her face as dawned on her our dog is pet and not just some other guy who lives here. 12:02 AM. Feb 8, 2023 7.9M Views 21.8K Retweets 837 Quote Tweets 358.5K Likes'

Hilarious Moments Of Kids Realizing That Their Cats And Dogs Are Pets And Not Humans (Viral Twitter Thread)

13 reddit text images | thumbnail orange background large dog graphic on right side left text "machina99 9 days ago My wife (then fiancee) thought it was hilarious that I always take our dogs collars off inside - I have a 2 inch wide collar for my sighthound and that can't be comfy for lounging around! She said it's like taking off a bra after a long day, but for dogs"

Dog Owners Discuss The Importance Of Taking Their Doggos' Collars Off & Letting It All Hang Out

twitter thread and memes about a dog wearing a fluffy coat | thumbnail includes two pictures of a dog wearing a fluffy coat and one tweet 'Product - Маделейн. @normalmadeline My sister's dog did not want to go outside 9:31 PM - Feb 4, 2023 2.9M Views 9,766 Retweets 530 Quote Tweets 124.7K Likes' and one meme 'Product - brycey @gngbryce Peach has arrived at the 2023 #GRAMMYS'

Woman Dresses Her Dog In A Very Fluffy Coat, The Internet Instantly Makes It Into A Meme (Viral Twitter Thread)

14 reddit text images | thumbnail orange background "I am 6'2" and 240lbs and she is a 9yo, 65lbs chow/gsd. She loves her crate and stays in there most of the day just sleeping and being old. But if I'm anywhere near the entrance and kneeling down or picking something up, she'll wrap her paws around me and try and drag me inside."

Doggo Displays Extraordinary Strength While Lovingly Dragging Owner Into Her Crate To Hang Out For A While

9 reddit text images sil wants to take dog on vacation  | thumbnail orange background

Inconsiderate Woman Wants To Bring Dog On Family Vacation Despite Sister-In-Law Being Highly Allergic Because Her Dog Is "Like a child to her"

13 reddit text images prioritizing dog over mom's stepchild | thumbnail blue background dog image american bully text "I (f32) have a 12 years old American Bully named Rory. Because of her age she had a lot of health issues. Right now she needs to have surgery. It's going to be around 6k plus about 3-4k in meds followed by 6 months in therapy that's going to be 10-12k. That brings the total to 22k the most. I can easily afford it because i have a good job (in IT),"

Doggo Owner Prioritize's Dog's Health Over Neglectful Mom's New Stepchild, Unjustly Gets Called Monster By Family

14 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background " An adult tiger. See i would say a lion but I have a feeling that mane is probably way less comfortable than it looks, where tigers look all sleek and soft. I want to be tackled by a tiger and pinned beneath it like a giant weighted blanket that could probably break my ribs and pet it's big fuzzy face"

Reddit Users Choose What Dangerous Animal They Would Cuddle If Given The Opportunity To Do So With Zero Consequences