funny tumblr posts

27 Inawwcent Doggo Pawsts Brighten Your Cloudy Day Pawdorable Puipper Power | thumbnail includes one image which shows a dog sitting and smiling next to a report card ‘finally some news worth reading’ ‘DAYCARE REPORT CARD’ ‘Today I observed’ ‘love/affection’ ‘playful/outgoing’ ‘follow/listen to commands’ ‘Charlie was very playful with Buck’.

27 Inawwcent Doggo Pawsts to Brighten Your Cloudy Day with Pawdorable Puipper Power

The Art Teen Angst Expressed Through Medium Abstract Animal Pawsts | thumbnail includes one image which shows a tiger on a kitchen counter eating food from a bowl ‘michaelblume:’ ‘GET OFF THE COUNTER’ ‘I ain’t tellin him, YOU tell him’ ‘*holds spray bottle in a very shaky hand*’

The Art of Teen Angst Expressed Through the Medium of Abstract Animal Pawsts

21 Chaotic Animal Posts Nostalgic Hoomans Who Miss Maelstrom Early Internet | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a sheep on a couch watching a TV program ‘Who else has a disabled sheep baby that’s addicted to Wipeout?’, the other image shows a cat wearing a pink bonnet ‘I think my cat is Jackie Kennedy reincarnated. She loves her pink basket and puts it on herself.’

21 Chaotic Animal Posts for Nostalgic Hoomans Who Miss the Maelstrom of the Early Internet

From Fumbling Fur Babies Pawfect Pets: 24 Wholesome Animal Family Posts Holiday Season Gatherings You Never Get See | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a black and white dog and cat looking confused ‘i just told my pets they’re both adopted’, the other image shows a smiling dog posing for a photo with its family ‘It’s clear to me who was the most photogenic in this picture’

From Fumbling Fur Babies to Pawfect Pets: 24 Wholesome Animal Family Posts from the Holiday Season Gatherings You Never Get to See

Christmas Canine Shenanigans: 37 Howlarious Dog Child Pawsts Prepaw You Festive Farces Your Fur Baby Has Store This Holiday Season | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a dog after eating a blueberry pie ‘“Do what you must. I have already won.”’ ‘@thatgoldendog’ ‘@barkbox’, the other image shows a dog next to a fallen Xmas tree ‘THANK GOODNESS YOU’RE HOME…’ ‘... THE CHRISTMAS TREE FAINTED.’

Christmas Canine Shenanigans: 37 Howlarious Dog Child Pawsts to Prepaw You for the Festive Farces Your Fur Baby Has in Store This Holiday Season

Delightfully Disassociated: 24 Hilarious Animal Posts When You No Longer Want Participate This Reality | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a cat head as an egg next to butter and cheese ‘im fr just in my own world’, the other image shows a dog morphed with a head of broccoli ‘substituting at a preschool and forcing them to watch this’ ‘Top 10 Hybrid Animals That Actually Exist’

Delightfully Disassociated: 20 Hilarious Animal Posts for When You No Longer Want to Participate in This Reality

Don't Talk to Me Until Monday: 24 Introvert Animal Funnies Hoomans Who Need Break Their Family This Weekend | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a frog lying on its back on a lilly pad ‘JOMO noun’ ‘Joy Of Missing Out; feeling content with staying in and disconnecting as a form of self-care.’, the other image shows bart simpson lying on a couch with three cats on his legs ‘When they ask me what I like do when I’m at home?’ ‘Me:’

Don't Talk to Me Until Monday: 24 Introvert Animal Funnies for Hoomans Who Need a Break from Their Family This Weekend

24 Aww-Inspiring Animal Posts Pawfect Procrastinating Over Your Work Bestie | thumbnail includes two images one image shows moo deng on hot ones with hot sauce bottles in front of her ‘Moo Deng is going on Hot Ones’, the other image shows a a cat looking shocked and scared ‘My heebies’ ‘are jeebied’

24 Aww-Inspiring Animal Posts Pawfect for Procrastinating Over with Your Work Bestie

Awwdorable Animal Roundup: 23 Wholesome Posts Give You the Warm Fuzzy Feeling Your Hooman Children Cannot | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a cat having its skin pulled back on its head ‘So we all do this to our cats then?’, the other image shows a baby black bear smelling flowers in a field

Awwdorable Animal Roundup: 23 Wholesome Posts to Give You the Warm Fuzzy Feeling Your Hooman Children Cannot

Which Way is Up Again?: 25 Completely Confusing Awesome Possum Rowdy Raccoon Posts Help You Shake Things Up Little | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a shocked raccoon on a green hill ‘my anxiety’ ‘literally nothing’, the other image shows two raccoons and two possums in a wooden canoe ‘There’s no time to explain’ ‘climb aboard’

Which Way is Up Again?: 25 Completely Confusing Awesome Possum and Rowdy Raccoon Posts to Help You Shake Things Up a Little

24 Hilarious Animal Pawsts Pawtect You From Woeful Work Week | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a chihuahua swimming with its head poking out ‘me in the 5ft pool area’, the other image shows tow cats looking at a christmas tree ornament ‘Love is in the air’

24 Hilarious Animal Pawsts to Pawtect You From the Woeful Work Week

24 Peculiar Posts Animals Who Love Live Out Loud Inspire Your Saturday Celebrations | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a horse who’s face is covered in lipstick kisses and its tongue poking out ‘silly and happy horse covered in kisses and waiting for more’, the other image shows a bird standing on a metal sign ‘GUARD BIRD ON DUTY’

24 Peculiar Posts of Animals Who Love to Live Out Loud to Inspire Your Saturday Celebrations

25 Uplifting Animal Memes Wallowing Hoomans Who’re Desperate Their Only Source Serotonin | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a person in a kangaroo costume being followed by a small kangaroo ‘There is honestly no point in doing anything but this girl’s job.’, the other image shows Bob Ross with a squirrel on his shoulder who’s tail is over his mustache ‘YOU’RE LOOKING AT’ ‘THE GREATEST MUSTACHE TO HAVE EVER LIVED’

25 Uplifting Animal Pawsts for Wallowing Hoomans Who’re Desperate for Their Only Source of Serotonin

25 Ridiculously Random Animal Tumblr Posts Fed-Up Millennials Who Miss Internet Before Influencers | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a bird with a horse mouth ‘it’s friday! Post horse mouth bird’ ‘zagerus’ ‘madmanswords’ ‘Ned, how do I remove this from my memory?’, the other image shows a wild cat in shrubbery overexposed from flash ‘source’ ‘lalachakran’ ‘ohoho this things looks interesting I will go and have a look! “Sniffsnifsnifff” “gets flashbanged*’

25 Ridiculously Random Animal Tumblr Posts for Fed-Up Millennials Who Miss the Internet Before Influencers

23 Empty-Headed Hound Posts Hoomans Who Are Wading Through Their Own Mental Mush | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a dog sitting down with its head wrapped in a bandage looking manic ‘“I swear to God Sharon when I get out of this thing”, the other image shows a dog whose head has burst through a door ‘Hi! My name is Stopthat Sometimes they call me Getbackhere’

23 Empty-Headed Hound Posts for Hoomans Who Are Wading Through Their Own Mental Mush

Wonderful Weekend Woofs: 25 Wholesome Dog Pawsts Fill Your Heart Pure Pupper Adoration | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a school bus driving on to train tracks and a train derailing the school bus ‘My dog coming to get pets’ ‘My other dog’, the other image shows a dog sticking its head through a hole in a door it made ‘Hi! My name is Stopthat’ ‘Sometimes they call me Getbackhere’

Wonderful Weekend Woofs: 25 Wholesome Dog Pawsts to Fill Your Heart with Pure Pupper Adoration

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