Animal Comedy Newsletter

dog tweets

Soulful Scoop of 15 Animal Tweets For a Smiley Day

Soulful Scoop of 15 Animal Tweets For a Smiley Day

Pawsitively relatable
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15 silly dog tweets | thumbnail

15 Dandy & Delightful Doggo Tweets To Inspire A More Rufferific Day (February 17, 2023)

Pure silliness
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dog dads, dog kids, dog dad jokes, funny dogs, funny dog parents, dog moms, dog parenting, parenting, funny dog parenting tweets, funny tweets, cute dogs, parenting tweets, funny twitter, pets, funny dog parenting

The Funniest Relatable Dog Parenting Tweets of the Week (February 14, 2023)

It's not easy being so friggin' cute, but dogs sure know how to do it. Seriously, if you're a dog parent you know. They could get into the trash, chew up every thing you own, fart in your face, or even eat your meal right off of your table and you might get mad, but let's be honest, you can't resist that cute pup face. It doesn't matter how old a dog is, they can still slay some puppy dog eyes and you're just under their control. If you're a puppy parent who spoils their pup to no end, then you…
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11 dog tweets | thumbnail image of new broadcasting shiba inu tweet

Silly & Random Dog Tweets We Found On The Interwebs Today

Ruff ruff, doggo tweets
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50 screenshots of funny and wholesome dog tweets from 2022 | Thumbnail includes a picture of three therapy dogs sitting and waiting to be let into rooms and a picture of a golden retriever looking up at its owner as he places a yellow tennis ball in a cup of coffee 'Therapy dogs waiting to start their shift at a children's hospital.. Still a very good boi'

2022 Wrap-Up: Best 50 Dog Tweets Of The Year

tweet tweet woof woof
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funny tweets about dogs only speaking one language | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Sophie Vershbow @svershbow My parents and I live in the same city and hire the same cleaning person and this morning she told me that my dog understands Spanish but my parents' dog does not. 4:45 PM - Dec 15, 2022 3,981 Retweets 257 Quote Tweets 153.9K Likes'

Viral Twitter Thread: Funny Moments With Dogs Who Only Understand One Language

Adorable, hilarious, and ridiculous all at once.
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21 dog tweets | thumbnail dog with frizzy electric fur standing up "what kind of dog is this"

20 Silliest Dog Tweets Featuring Tweets That Make Us Ask 'What Kind Of Dog Is This?'

Doggo tweet goodness
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15 heckin good dog tweets | thumbnail three panels side by side dogs "peace was never an option, such a good boye, the cutest thing you'll see all day"

15 Heckin' Good Dog Tweets Featuring A Whole Bunch Of Adorable Canine Goofballs At Peak Silliness

Good as heck
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12 funny, wholesome, and inspiring dog tweets | Thumbnail includes a picture of a Pitbull laying on a couch with photoshopped Cheetos, a Starbucks cup, and TV remote controller, thumbnail also includes a picture of two Italian greyhounds wearing wool sweaters in the snow 'them: u let ur dog on the furniture? my dog: These dogs look like they have good credit.'

The Funniest, Most Wholesome, And Overall Best Doggo Tweets We've Seen This Week (October 29, 2022)

These tweets are borking amazing!
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24 cute and funny dog memes, tweets, and pictures | Thumbnail includes a picture of a sausage dog reading a book and a collage of a retriever dog trying to get his human's attention away from the computer 'I ask my students to send me photos of their dogs doing class work. It's an under-appreciated photography genre. when u own a dog'

Doggo Dump: 24 Memes, Tweets, And Pictures (September 24, 2022)

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cat pics, dog pics, cat memes, dog memes, animal memes, animals, cute, aww, wholesome, cat tweets, dog tweets

Delightful Dog & Cat Memes and Funny Pics for Animal Lovers

Everyone knows that dogs and cats have their typical characteristic differences. While dogs tend to involve themselves in their human's routine, always seeking ways to connect, cats are independent hunters who will go on their own little missions with or without their human. However, there is one thing domesticated dogs and cats have in common—they're both total goofballs who could delight even the grumpiest human with their pure silliness. Keep scrolling for a bunch of memes and pics of funny…
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16 dog tweets | thumbnail blue background tweet "LANA @Lana_x_rose This kid probably 8/10 years old asked politely if he could pet my dog I said yes. After he pet her he hopped on his bike, popped a wheelie and said "that was for you thanks for letting me pet your dog." Highlight of my day tbh. 4:07 AM Jun 6, 2022. Twitter for iPhone 13.3K Retweets 417 Quote Tweets 261.4K Likes"

Bestest Most Rufferific Doggo Tweets Of The Week (June 10, 2022)

Doggo goodness in Tweet form
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