Animal Comedy Newsletter


You Definitely Don't Want Me to Stick My Neck Out

birds funny ostrich SOON - 8194441472
See all captions Created by dreamcass

Let These Little Cuties Give You Dating Tips

sign birds PDA - 8194368768

Guess Who's Getting Pooped On...

poop tease birds seagulls food - 8186522368
See all captions Created by kenbaker

Just Hanging Around

birds funny showing off - 8184041728
Via funtoxin

Go Get the One They Call Toto!

Cats birds funny wizard of oz - 8177395968
See all captions Created by Kristen

Of All the Places, Bird!

birds funny statues poop - 8177686784
Via Dump a Day

You've Eaten Your Last Canary

birds revenge Cats funny - 7999854592
See all captions

This Bird Has a Serious 'Tude!

birds attitude funny - 8131492096
Via Lauren Gonzalez

Pelican Pitstop

poop birds funny - 8125475840
See all captions Created by signet02

Those Birds Are E-nor-mus!

emus birds australia pigeons - 8120843008
See all captions Created by violetD

It's Obvious

Babies birds guilty - 8116375552
See all captions Created by plaidcats

Confidence in Being Bald

eagles birds reflection sexy - 8120626432
Via Google

Buzz Off, Birdie!

birds cute squirrels funny - 8113132032
See all captions Created by echeg5

We All Have Our Aspirations

Babies birds puns - 8110862080
See all captions Created by violetD

You Couldn't Do That Before We Left?!

birds puns Cats funny - 8092398592
See all captions Created by violetD

Birds of a Feather...

birds - 8085468672