Animal Comedy Newsletter


Never Judge the Melting Bird

birds judge funny melt - 7979352320

Never Let Elementary School Kids Name a Zoo Animal

birds emus funny zoo - 7979358208

They Already Ate All the Lettuce

Food - Othought this wassalad.

Keep Your Enemies Close

Cats birds enemies - 7967705856
See all captions Created by Kichara17

Apparently Not...

birds eagles funny feathers - 7967640320
See all captions Created by robroyleeroy

You Clip my Wings and Expect Something Different?

birds fly funny stairs wings - 7957513984

A Real Tough Crowd

Hand - NO.
See all captions

When You Accidentally Let one Loose at a Party

birds fart embarrassed Party - 7929861888

He Does More Than Just Copy What You Say

birds copy laptops work - 7926377216

Big Mouths Always Have to Have the Last Word

birds good day - 7924425216

I Haven't Worn it Since the 90s!

90s birds hoodie funny old - 7919355392

Nathan Gets a Shout Out from the Flock

birds funny text message - 7913576704

He Ain't Got Nothin' on Me!

Bird - Lean-Claude Van who? . এ

I Do What I Want

Bird - Fishing

That's It! I'm Putting you Back in Your Egg!

birds teenagers rebel parenting - 7907223296

It Says so Right on the Label

birds bald eagles angry funny - 7904793856
See all captions Created by JOE-STYLE