Animal Comedy Newsletter


He Keeps Hogging the Deep End!

Cats birds manners - 8240500992
See all captions Created by mamawalker

If Only it Wasn't...

birds funny poop owls - 7537923584
See all captions Created by bella1006297

Beauty of the Jungle

birds optical illusion women - 8240586496
Via Dump a Day

Whoa! What is Going on With Those Pigeons!

birds mind blown owls pigeons - 8235673600
Created by AngelAndz

Number One Cause of Cat Breath

Cats birds bad breath puns - 8236026624
See all captions Created by olmatuck

The Costs of Beauty

birds beauty makeup - 8232881920
See all captions Created by echeg5

Some Boobies Have Truly Eye-Grabbing Features

birds dating feet - 8233112064
Via Wendi Whitmire

Must Not be an Ultrasonic Bird...

birds broken funny - 8229513472
Via Daily Picks and Flicks

They Get That All the Time

birds puns - 8229428736
See all captions Created by penelopesdad

Sarcastic Owl Doesn't Care

birds sarcasm poop owls - 8223276800
See all captions Created by olmatuck

I Have No Choice in the Matter

birds blue makeup - 7508031232
See all captions Created by jennybookseller

There can be Only One

perch birds Cats - 8217118464
See all captions Created by deescazz

This is Not the Magic Carpet Ride he was Expecting...

birds fish flying - 8212676352
Created by iSkittles97

Follow That Flock!

cars birds funny - 8211132416
Via Syreeta Jayne

You Just Popped My Bubble

birds funny work - 8196966912
See all captions Created by FreddyOnKRBE

A Hero With a Beak and Wings

birds funny school hero - 8198664960
Via World Wide Interweb