
I ain't seeing no buffalo, but there sure as heck are a bunch of deer around here. One of the cutest, and surprisingly menacing creatures, at least to suburbia, is the deer. Don't let those doe eyes and bushy tails fool you, turn your head at the wrong time and your Rhododendrons are gone! So check out all this stash of deer products you won't be disappointed in, and forget about your lost gardening award.

cute deer Video - 73865217

Watch This Baby Deer Fall Fast Asleep in a Matter of Seconds

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Squee Spree Winner: Pudú

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Two Youngsters Meeting Each Other

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Man's Best Friend Has A Friend Too

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I'm Quite Fond of Fawns

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Interspecies Love deer love - 7547983616

Deerly Beloved

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You're Such a Deer for Letting Us Perch Here

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Whatsit: Four-Legged Whatchamacallit

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From the Bottom of My Deer Heart

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Trapped Baby Fawn Gets Returned to Mother

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My Horn Brings All the Deer to the Yard

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