
I ain't seeing no buffalo, but there sure as heck are a bunch of deer around here. One of the cutest, and surprisingly menacing creatures, at least to suburbia, is the deer. Don't let those doe eyes and bushy tails fool you, turn your head at the wrong time and your Rhododendrons are gone! So check out all this stash of deer products you won't be disappointed in, and forget about your lost gardening award.

friendship friends deer sweet species Cats animals - 832261

This Cat and Deer Have an Adorable Friendship

Interspecies Love herd adopted deer sheep squee - 6996940544

Interspecies Love: New Herd

2011 best of boar bunny capybara cat Cats deer elephant gifs giraffes goat horse Image Interspecies Love lamb lizard monkey pig sloth tiger tigers Video wolf - 5559346176


petting smiling antlers deer squee - 6625717760

Sitka-White-Tailed Deer

doggie door gifs surprise deer fawn squee - 7014039296

Look Who Came to Visit!

cookies deer gift Image noms snack - 6375528448

Would You Like a Cookie?

deer funny - 7720267776

My Horn Brings All the Deer to the Yard

Babies baby cougar cub cuddling deer fawn friends friendship Image interspecies friendship sleeping - 4600018944


deer grass Image Interspecies Love kitten kitty nuzzle - 6061683200

Interspecies Love: What a Deer

cute deer flowers spring - 7918169088

Doe in the Spring Daises

creepicute deer squee - 6978018560

Creepicute: Fanged Water Deer

camera deer doe family Image photography - 4778663936


baby cuddling deer fawn fawning hugging human Image literalism pun - 5391971328


whatsit tiny deer whatsit wednesday squee - 6818885376

Whatsit: Dwarf Bambi

deer tapir squee spree - 7571876608

Squee Spree: Pudú vs. Tapir

deer eyes face Image - 3692130304


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