Daily Squee Newsletter


I ain't seeing no buffalo, but there sure as heck are a bunch of deer around here. One of the cutest, and surprisingly menacing creatures, at least to suburbia, is the deer. Don't let those doe eyes and bushy tails fool you, turn your head at the wrong time and your Rhododendrons are gone! So check out all this stash of deer products you won't be disappointed in, and forget about your lost gardening award.

Deer Friend

deer friend gifs pet - 6304467712


bambi better bunny cuddling deer disney friends friendship Hall of Fame improvement Interspecies Love IRL love rabbit thumper - 5325167616


acting like animals antlers bad idea deer literalism male odd man out slumber party - 4273663232


boop boopable deer - 3771702016


acting like animals bambi cold deer disney film moping snow stuck unhappy - 4223882496


baby cuddling deer fawn fawning hugging human literalism pun - 5391971328

Would You Like a Cookie?

cookies deer gift noms snack - 6375528448
Via Bunny Food

Interspecies Love

Interspecies Love kitten deer - 7582356992
Via Bunnyfood

But I Am Le Tired!

deer fawn sleepy tired - 5986562816
Via Just Call Me Lynn

Interspecies Love: Gilded Love

cuddling deer fawn golden retriever Interspecies Love lick licking nuzzle nuzzling - 5672729856
Via Eff Yeah Interspecies Friendships


cute deer fat whatsit wednesday - 4245917184
Created by HelloIAmMikki


baby comfort cute deer fawn love pacifier security suckling sweet - 4179884032
Created by ColbiRae

Thumper Never Saw Him Coming...

cute bambi deer fawns - 7968787456

Squee Spree Winner: Pudú

tiny deer squee spree - 7579128832
Via Cuteoverload

An Albino Fawn

albino cute deer fawn - 8295172864
Via designgoddess

I'll Help Sniff Out Your Mama

cute deer help gentle fawn - 8157312768
Via Huffington Post