Daily Squee Newsletter


I ain't seeing no buffalo, but there sure as heck are a bunch of deer around here. One of the cutest, and surprisingly menacing creatures, at least to suburbia, is the deer. Don't let those doe eyes and bushy tails fool you, turn your head at the wrong time and your Rhododendrons are gone! So check out all this stash of deer products you won't be disappointed in, and forget about your lost gardening award.

cute deer Video - 73865217

Watch This Baby Deer Fall Fast Asleep in a Matter of Seconds

View Video

An Albino Fawn

albino cute deer fawn - 8295172864
Via designgoddess

Look Who Came to Visit!

doggie door gifs surprise deer fawn squee - 7014039296

I'm Just Teasin' Ya

cheeky deer funny Image joke tongue - 4437792000
Created by Alea ( Via macromeme )

What A Little Deer

deer little - 7341037824
Via Zooborns

Man's Best Friend Has A Friend Too

BFFs cute deer fawn - 8404226048
Via martialartjesse

One Pound Pudu Fawn

deer fawn - 7684740608

Are You My Mommy?

Interspecies Love deer mom - 7510781696

Deer Nuzzles

deer Forest Image KISS meadow nuzzle sweet - 4405122048


cute deer hug Image - 3200779776

Share and Share Alike

sharing fawns deer noms Cats rabbits - 8167045632
Via Daily Picks and Flicks


baby comfort cute deer fawn love pacifier security suckling sweet voting-page - 4179884032
Created by ColbiRae

This Baby Deer Needs Rubs

plants gifs rubs critters cute deer funny - 7622815744


busted deer happy meme new old pretentious redundancy smiling voting-page - 4398503936


deer Image nerd jokes Pokémon reindeer squee spree - 4288753920
Created by BradOFarrell

Two Youngsters Meeting Each Other

cute deer friends fawns puppies squee - 8255438336
Via Natty_natty