Animal Comedy Newsletter


Farmer shares funniest chick toss technique

'They were tossed like a bowl of popcorn': Farmer's totally legit technique for releasing chicks into the brooder has people in stitches laughing

Hey—if it works, it works.
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rescued racing greyhound gets her very own backyard for the first time

Millie the ‘Noodle Horse,’ a Rescued Racing Greyhound, Gets a Backyard for the First Time and Has the Most Heartwarming Reaction

“Millie the Noodle Horse” has gone viral for her epic transformation from timid scared noodle, to happy lanky horse—now with a backyard!
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26 pictures and 1 video of dogs and text | Thumbnail includes three pictures 'Forehead - Dog breeds: gen z vs millennial', 'Dog - Goldendoodles voted for Obama in 2012 TikTok @inbloombyemily', and 'Dog - every time a corgi barks it's actually saying slay J TikTok @inbloombyemily', and 2 texts saying "Font - MILLENNIALS' and 'Font - GEN Z'

Is Your Dog A Millennial or Gen Z - Delightful Doggo Video Full of Canine Comedy Spills The Tea About Your Dog Breed (Pictures & Video)

Can't wait for them to do huskies
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23 pictures and 1 video of text, construction, and furniture | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Wood - DOG CONDO loading...', 'Property', and 'Font - mgmdon80 After further review... my dog is NOT spoiled.'

Dog Dad Builds His Doggo A 'Dog Condo' In Cool DIY Dog Video, And It's Nicer Than Our Apartment (Pictures & Video)

Dad: No dogs in this house Also Dad: Spends weeks building the dog a dog condo
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twitter thread about a husky reacting to a robot dog | thumbnail includes three pictures of a husky on a leash running away from a robodog and one tweet 'Asphalt - Olivia Wong @OliviaWong123 On a streeet in Chognqing city, when a #Husky meets a #robot dog friend, it seems that the Husky is a little bit afraid 514.3K views (70) THE AFREDER 0:00/0:17 7 K'

Husky Encounters A Robodog For The First Time, Its Reaction Is Funny As Heck (Twitter Thread)

We're pretty sure we'd react the same way
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15 pictures of birds and text and 1 video of birds and text | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Forehead - theyre training birds to fight trash pollution Wou vistening Site', 'Bird - birds can exchange litter for food in these feeders', and 'Font - jacobmcdonald219 He took my credit card 3w 13,828 likes Reply'

Amazing Video Shows New Idea To Combat Pollution, Training Birds To Pick Up Trash And Receive Rewards (Pictures & Video)

Or, here's an idea, we could just pick up our own trash
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20 pictures of pigs and text and 1 video of pigs and text | Thumbnail includes four pictures including 'Working animal - 7 reasons pigs are just like dogs K', 'Plant - 7. they love to dig and get muddy! mud protects their skin and keeps them cool! *', 'Nose - 4. highly boop-able', and 'Facial expression - ellielaks Love this!!!!! Our pigs are definitely like giant puppies'

Perfect Pig Video Explains 7 Reasons Why These Mud Puppies Are Practically Doggos (Pictures & Video)

You had us at "highly boopable"
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1 video of animated dogs | Thumbnail includes one picture including 'Dog Font - It's the dog of wisdom!"

Nostalgic Youtube Video "Dog of Wisdom" Comes Back With A Sequel 7 Years Later, And It's Just As Good As We Remember It

Ba, badagada? (Hello, what is your wisdom?)
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17 pictures of dogs and text  and 1 video of dogs | Thumbnail includes four pictures including 'Dog', 'Sky - AILIES', 'Water', and 'Font - meow0_38 How many times you've watched this? Me: times 10000000000000000'

Jet-Setting Samoyed Does His Floppy Ear Dance All Over The World In Adorably Cute Doggo Video (Pictures & Video)

This is a TikTok dance we can get behind
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collection of funny tweets about a parrot that has gone missing | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Rectangle - bria celest @55mmbae : There's a parrot missing in my neighborhood and it's a $3,000 reward for him. I be outside twice a day with hella crackers hoping he shows up 4:11 PM Mar 27, 2023 2.4M Views 5,155 Retweets 457 Quotes 71.9K Likes 474 Bookmarks'

Owners Offer 3,000$ For Parrot That Goes Missing, Twitter Users Meme The Heck Out Of It (Viral Thread)

Let the meme-ing commence!
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22 pictures of pigs, dogs, and text and 1 video of pigs, dogs, and text | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Dog - (laughing) the dodo', 'Dog - They're each other's family and will always look out for each other. the dodo', and 'Font - @dababyconvertible2719 1 year ago I like how the dog looks so happy the entire time, it's like he's been wanting a baby boar his whole life and finally got his dream to come true.'

Daddy Doggo Adopts Abandoned Boar, Becomes Pawsome Father Figure In Wonderfully Wholesome Animal Video (Pictures & Video)

We found ourselves smiling throughout the whole video
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15 pictures of men, animals, and text and 1 video of men, animals, and text | Thumbnail includes four pictures including 'Footwear', 'Dog - ㅜ', 'Window', 'Window - Y', and 'Gesture - tfk_dwells I was feeling the vid until the last slide v 5d 3,416 likes Reply'

Viral Pet Video With 7.7 Million Likes Showing Hot Guys And Their Manly Dogs Ends With A Hilarious Twist (Pictures & Video)

We were not prepared lol
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13 pictures of porcupines and text and 1 video of a porcupine | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Hedgehog - սիլիիի', 'Hedgehog - Եր', and 'Font - susanmalzoni I could watch this ALL DAY!!!'

Porcupine ASMR Is Our Newest Sweet Treat For A Few Moments Of Relaxation And Cuteness (Pictures & Video)

Relaxed, happy, fed, moisturized, spiky, thriving
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18 pictures of dogs and text and 1 video of dogs and text | Thumbnail includes four photos including 'Dog - Baby chicks', ' Dog - Hats', 'Plant - Bird baths', and 'Font - mayranichting Love the part with the... well.. every part I guess'

'How My German Shepherds Feel About Random Things': Viral Doggo Video Displays Opinionated Puppers With A Myriad Of Cute Farm Animals And Other Adorable Objects (Pictures & Video)

'If I fits, I sits' - doggo in the bird bath
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viral twitter thread about a male eagle trying to incubate a rock | thumbnail includes two pictures including an eagle sitting on the ground and a sign and one tweet 'Organism - brooke foster, 2023 edition @lonesometoast losing it Is that Eagle hurt?! f you see an eagle lying down in the ack left corner under a perch, that's Murphy! urphy is not hurt, sick, or otherwise distress. He has built a nest on the round, and is very carefully incubatir a rock! We wish him the best of luck 10:52 '

Male Eagle Decides To Build A Nest And Attempt To Incubate A Rock, The Zoo Asks Visitors To Not Worry About Him (Viral Twitter Thread)

Well, as long as he's happy
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15 pictures of chameleons and text and 1 video of chameleons | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Plant', 'Plant', and 'Font - PlantsAndBeetles 5 hr. ago Could you imagine if humans popped out like that. Your mother is at work and she gives birth to you and as soon as you're born, you just start working and that's how employers get new employees.'

Amazing Video Of A Chameleon Giving Live Birth Shows That Baby Animals Learn In 10 Seconds What It Takes Humans 2 Years To Learn

The good ol' plop and drop
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