
twitter thread about a gorilla who saved a child that fell into her enclosure | thumbnail includes two pictures of a gorilla holding a human child and one tweet 'Fascinating → @fascinate Subscribe In 1996, an unidentified 8-year-old boy slipped away from his mother, climbed over a barrier, and fell into the Gorilla Enclosure. Due to the 20 ft fall, the boy broke his hand and suffered a deep laceration to his face. Seven gorillas inhabited the enclosure. Gorillas are known to'

The Amazing Story Of How 8-Year-Old Boy Who Fell Into A Gorilla Enclosure Got Heroically Rescued By One Of The Mother Gorillas

viral twitter thread about a woman filming what her dog does when she is not home | thumbnail includes one security picture of a dog standing on a table and one tweet 'Sarah Axelrath MD @DrSarahAxelrath Got a pet cam to figure out what in God's name goes on in this house while I'm gone and this is not surprising in the slightest cufy 73 SECURITY 10:43 PM · Dec 2, 2023 1M Views 2.4K 48K - Dec 02 2023 01:28:28 PM 689 +]'

People Discover What The Heck Their Dogs Are Doing When They're Not Home, And The Results Are Predictably Hilarious (Viral Thread)

twitter thread about a baby kangaroo hugging a bear toy | thumbnail includes a picture of a baby kangaroo hugging a toy bear and one tweet 'Science girl @gunsnrosesgirl3 Subscribe The story of 'Doodlebug', an orphaned baby kangaroo who was found on the side of the road, a little baby about two months old. Tim Beshara and his mum Gillian Abbott who is a wildlife caretaker took care of him, and gave him a teddy bear for comfort, and he wouldn't stop hugging it. Tim Beshara'

Awwdorable Orphaned Baby Kangaroo Receives A Toy Teddy Bear As A Gift And Refuses To Stop Hugging It (Viral Tweets)

viral twitter thread about someone claiming to be dogsitting their own dog | thumbnail includes one tweet 'zach silberberg @zachsilberberg asked my friend what she was up to & she said “dogsitting.” i asked whose dog and she said her own. now we're in a fight because i'm insisting that when you say youre dogsitting it implies someone else's dog. she says you can say youre dogsitting your own dog. that's crazy right? 3:38 AM Nov 20, 2023 5.3M Views 1.1K 4K 140K 3.3K ... ↑'

Woman Claims She's Dogsitting Her Own Dog, The Internet Responds In Hilarious Yet Expected Fashion, By Dunking On Her (Viral Thread)

viral twitter thread about animals that are colored black and orange | thumbnail includes two pictures including a black and orange fox and a black and orange rabbit and one tweet 'friday @lunchboxfriday love when an animal is black + orangey brown. a very special thing 2:23 AM Nov 13, 2023 420.8K Views 104 3K 20K 1.1K ¹'

Pawmazing Thread Of Uniquely Colored Black And Orange Animals That Truly Remind Us Of The Beauty Of Nature (Viral Tweets)

viral twitter thread about how giant moose are | thumbnail includes two pictures of a giant moose eating from a tree and one tweet 'Sassington, M.D. @MissSassbox everytime I see a moose, I am never prepared for how large they actually are. MARE Made In Canada Now that's a big boy 0:00 @MadelnCanada. Nov 11 12:30 AM'

Hilarious Tweets Of People Being Shocked By How Huge Moose Are In Real Life: 'Ain't No Way Those Are Real' (Viral Twitter Thread)

twitter thread about an astronaut who tricked NASA into letting him have a photoshoot with his dogs | thumbnail includes a picture of an astronaut with two dogs 'When NASA astronaut Leland Melvin was assigned to a space shuttle mission in 2008, he was told he could bring his family for the official photo shoot wearing the famous orange "pumpkin suit." They didn't specify two-legged or four-legged family members, and even though dogs were not typically allowed on the NASA base'

The Adorably Funny Story Of How An Astronaut Fooled NASA Into Letting Him Do A Photoshoot With His Dogs (Viral Twitter Thread)

twitter thread and video of a lot of elks sitting on people's lawns | thumbnail includes two pictures of elks sitting on people's lawns and one tweet 'Cloud - Science girl @gunsnrosesgirl3 Huge herd of elk resting on lawns in Colorado From NaturelsAmazing 1:04 PM - Oct 26, 2023-34M Views 2.1K 14K 129K 0:05/0:19 Subscribe 한 번 느끼 4.9K +]'

Just In Time For Halloween, Mysterious And Slightly Ominous Video Of A Huge Herd Of Elks Resting On People's Lawns Spooks The Internet (Viral Tweets)

viral twitter thread about a crow that can say hello in Chinese | thumbnail includes two pictures including a crow flying and a crow walking and two tweets 'Photograph - Jirai KeikeiKei @halfheldsky If a crow said "ni hao" to me I'd jump off the nearest cliff 12:00 AM - Oct 17, 2023 - 16.6M Views 541 8,887 0:02/0:22 54.8K 6,119 : ←] 소'

Video Of A Crow Saying 'Ni Hao' In Greeting When Seeing Its Human Goes Viral, And The Internet Has The Funniest Reactions (Twitter Thread)

golden-retriever retriever retrievers dog dogs water-dog swimming pool pools cute cuteness adorable rebellious funny funny-dogs adorable

Rebellious Golden Retriever Embraces Water Dog Energy, Refusing to Leave the Pool and Giving Puppy-Eyes for Just One More Plunge

21 pictures of dogs, people and text | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Shoe - Pop pops 100th M birthday dog parade HAPPY 200 BIRTHDAY and the whole city showed up 100 100', 'Sky - Pop pops 100th birthday dog parade and the whole city snowed up', 'Font - DwarfsAreCooluKnow 15 hr. ago First post that actually made me smile first seconds watching, made my day and thank u ::))))'

Doggo Lover's Delight: Gleeful Grandpa Celebrates 100th Birthday In Wholesome Fashion With 200+ Puppers Helping Him Celebrate

Scooby-Doo Who?: Real-Life Scoobie-Doo Reacts To His Cartoon Doppelgänger In Uncanny Encounter

Scooby-Doo Who?: Real-Life Scoobie-Doo Reacts To His Cartoon Doppelgänger In Uncanny Encounter

Un-BALL-ievable: Fetching Photos Of Record-Breaking Golden Retriever Who Simultaneously Stuffs 6 Tennis Balls In His Mouth Are Breaking The Internet

Un-BALL-ievable: Fetching Photos Of Record-Breaking Golden Retriever Who Simultaneously Stuffs 6 Tennis Balls In His Mouth Are Breaking The Internet

'Boneless Basset': The Sandy Saga Of A Basset Hilariously Being Dragged Away From The Beach In A Dramatic Display Of 'Nope' (Funny Video)

'Boneless Basset': The Sandy Saga Of A Basset Hilariously Being Dragged Away From The Beach In A Dramatic Display Of 'Nope' (Funny Video)

'Everyone Deserves A Bear-cation': Bear Spotted In The Gulf Of Mexico In Surreal Scene Of Wildlife's Summer Shenanigans

'Everyone Deserves A Bear-cation': Bear Spotted In The Gulf Of Mexico In Surreal Scene Of Wildlife's Summer Shenanigans

The Kitten, The Chicken, Or The Egg: Adorable Video Of Kitty Raising Chickens Shows The Moment Her Maternal Instincts Exceed Eggs-pectations

The Kitten, The Chicken, Or The Egg: Adorable Video Of Cat Raising Chickens Shows The Moment Her Maternal Instincts Exceed Eggs-pectations