
Tumblr: a magical website with the bizarre, the hilarious and the unexpected. Think you've seen it all? Think again. The best one-liners, random threads and weird thoughts are yet to be discovered. 

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - prokopetz Follow Remember: toe beans are the sign of a killer. prokopetz Follow Funnily enough, I'm not 100% joking. While many animals have paw pads, the particular kind of soft, squishy beans found on housecats are an adaptation for stealth. Squishy beans mean you're looking at an ambush predator. slippyflippers Follow These are the beans of a killer, Bella. O 86,908 notes'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Ridiculous Revelations

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - amygdalan-arm Follow If your cat is curious abt what you're eating always let em have a lil whiff. 9/10 times they don't even wanna eat it they just wanted to know what it was. it's cute flopsy-art Follow #a cat wrote this #this is fake i tried it and my cat fuckin ate my chip #this is cat propoganda *WWHEEZEE* O 38,954 notes'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Unexpectedly Silly Moments

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - Today I learned that cuttlefish experience REM sleep, and that it makes their skin flash random colors. This is the cutest thing ever. blackbearmagic The electric eel at my aquarium has a voltmeter attached to his tank, and whenever he pumps out a burst of electricity-either when he's navigating his tank or getting fed-the meter lights up and makes noise. Sometimes, I'll walk past him when he's snuggled up and totally'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Unexpected Revelations

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - got-stars-in-your-eyes: got-stars-in-your-eyes: My husband and I are surprising our 6 year old by taking him to Disney for his b-day tomorrow. We've been in the car for 4+ hours and he still thinks we are on our way home from school. He keeps saying "looks like we're almost home!" Bless his heart. Update: we arrived to Disney World, he thinks we took a wrong turn and is very concerned about who is going to feed our cat.'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Snort-Worthy Shenanigans

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Rectangle - phsfg The weirdest thing I've learned while working for pest control is that snails love rat poison and will actively eat it but hate seseme seeds phsfg I should add that rat poison has NO effect on snails, and they just get super fat cause they gourge themselves in boxes of rat poison hexpress absolute units pantheris Of course then they go and get eaten by birds/raccoons/whatever and deliver like ten times'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Unexpected Fun Facts

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one picture of a pink jellyfish and one tumblr post 'Organism - unpretty andrew came downstairs from the office to give me a hug and seemed really worried about me and it turned out that i had reblogged a picture of a jellyfish with the tag "sometimes i wish i could be this" and while i had meant "beautiful, ethereal, and full of light" he had interpreted it as meaning "brainless and totally free of the burden of consciousness" unpretty'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Total And Complete Madness

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - vampireapologist having now worked directly with wild seals I need you all to know they are some of the most bastardous creatures in the entire animal kingdom. we've all been so wrong. they look cute and fat but they are so fast and they have SO many teeth and they know how to scream and they aren't afraid to do it vampireapologist don't get me wrong I love them deeply. They're amazing animals. But we've been calling'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Unexpectedly Chaotic Revelations

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - eggcup my plan step 1: buy 15 identical cats step 2: invite someone over step 3: when they ask how many cats you have say "just one but he's really fast" Source: eggcup 45,980 notes tl'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And A Whole Lotta Shenanigans

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Organism - I took a shit in my grandma's cat's litterbox when I was like 13 and my whole family was wilding out trying to figure out why the cat took such a huge dump. Then they took her to the vet and we found out she has feline HIV so in a way, I helped her. this story was wild from start to finish'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Absolute Weirdness

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - A turings in an attempt to appeal to the pathos of my potential employers, i wrote my resume using the same format a no-kill shelter would use to describe a geriatric dog turings i am a gentle, mild-mannered young man looking for a forever job to spend the rest of my years in. though i may not be the most talented and versatile person on the job market, i'm the perfect employee for someone out ther'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Complete Ridiculousness And Chaos

A blessed Tumblr post about how adorable wolves are | thewugtest if youve never physically been presence like real live wolf, and probably wont get chance heres some stuff about them should know wolf's fur is so unbelievably thick can get like whole hand into while petting. and then can keep going

Blessed Tumblr Post On Wolves

tumblr thread explaining what cats think when we kiss them as well as what cats and dogs think when we accidentally step on them thumbnail includes a picture of a girl kissing a cat 'Kitties rub their heads against their chosen people as a method of scent marking, but not of ownership. Instead, they're getting their scent on you because they know that you're a family, but you smell "Funny" compared to them. They're trying to make you smell like their family.'

Tumblr Explains Cats' Thoughts When Humans Kiss Their Heads

Dog masters the art of herding a Roomba | gallusrostromegalus So one my neighbors has lawn Roomba or whatever they're called, and this thing trundles around looking like background robot background original trilogy, and ABSOLUTELY BAFFLING DOGS. They have concluded think s some kind prey animal because right after this video ended they decided crouch down and stalk which means 90% sure going have stop Arwen eating at some point.

Tumblr Thread: Dog Masters The Art Of Herding A Roomba

Human ends up befriending a cat that doesn't meow. | sailorcuba Follow purest form serotonin is cat looks at u and u go like and meows at u moderngargoyle Follow like is very unspecific response still have no idea want but l applaud adorably meowed all same, well done moderngargoyle Follow This post led reminisce on nature cat's meowing, and have funny story befriended feral cat once who had spent her life forest without human

Tumblr Thread: Human Befriends Cat That Doesn't Meow

A funny Tumblr thread about how insane octopi are | tilthat TIL Marine biologists are claiming there is rare instance non-human warfare happening between octopuses waters off coast Australia octopuses are fighting large groups over territory and even using projectiles such as seashells spit at enemies. via reddit.com pain-and-missouri Octopi are intense bransrath prefer octopedes celticpyro “Animals don't go war because they're cinnamon rolls unlike ebil humans uwu" Check-fucking-mate Linda,

Tumblr Thread: Octopuses Are Clever Brain Lords

collection of pictures that are worth more than 1000 words thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a seal holding a seal plushy and another of a cow in a bathtub

Pictures Worth More Than 1000 Words (20 images)