Animal Comedy Newsletter


Babbyyyy, I can give you a kiss from Seal if you have enough money ;).  Or was it a seal? Whether you're looking for the international superstar crooner or the adorable aquatic acrobat, you'll find all that and more to get your fill of puns humor and memes all about Seal...s.

Pucker Up!

fish funny seal puns KISS gross - 7926326272

That Deserves a High Flipper

seal flipper sea life high five - 7873247488
See all captions

Or I Are Too Fat For You?

seal funny - 6136424192
Created by Maxpowaa

Will You?

seal cute - 7412915456

Clueless Seal

seal clueless - 7367382528
Created by Hkshippo

I Mean, Have You Seen that Stuff?

escaping seal zoo food - 6858130688
See all captions Created by Greybeard55

I HATE Fish!

seal kidding Hitchhikers Guide To the Galaxy so long and thanks for all the fish so long - 6669883392
See all captions Created by beernbiccies

I Approve of It

baby cute seal KISS love - 6559453440
See all captions Created by maryquitecontrary

At Least They Didn't Think You Were a Beaver

Sad seal wrong otter species - 6625176832
See all captions Created by daisypusher93

In Fact, You'd Better Stay Thither

seal look dont-know eyes - 6586641664
See all captions Created by roniharvey

Go Bug Your Dad

seal kid mom annoying Hey calling - 6561539328
See all captions Created by kittenlover25

If You Want Approval, Go Find a Seal

angry disapproval otter pun seal - 6523865600
See all captions Created by Jedi51

I Didn't Know Anybody Like You Existed!

bands laughing seal - 6467647232
See all captions Created by Rustedtricycle15

Please Don't Boop the Glass

aquarium elephant friends glass seal - 6519791104
Via The American Kid

You Know, It Makes Sense

captions seal - 6470094848
See all captions Created by marusha

Cannot Be Unseen

back away Cannot Be Unseen I see what you did there scary seal shocked - 6464009984
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