
Babbyyyy, I can give you a kiss from Seal if you have enough money ;).  Or was it a seal? Whether you're looking for the international superstar crooner or the adorable aquatic acrobat, you'll find all that and more to get your fill of puns humor and memes all about Seal...s.

23 memes of a sea lion | Thumbnail includes one picture including 'Nature - THAT AWKWARD MOMENT WHEN YOU LEAVE A STORE WITHOUT BUYING ANYTHING ALL YOU CAN THINK IS "ACT NATURAL, YOU'RE INNOCENT"'

Throwback Thursday: 23 Of The Best "Awkward Moment Sealion" Memes That Will Make You Believe It's 2015 All Over Again

35 memes and videos of animals | Thumnail includes two pictures including 'Product - Please don't let cat escape. She looks like this' and 'Bird' and one comment including 'SSFSupetSyndra - 1 yr. ago Hehe I don't think she will get to far'

The Best Things In Life Are Chonky: 35 Pictures and Videos of Animals Embracing Body Positivity In The Most Awwwdorable Way

51 pictures of baby animals | Thumbnail includes a picture of a baby hippo poking up from water and a picture of a baby seal

Jumbo Collection Of The Tiniest And Cutest Baby Animals (50+ Pics)

20 pictures of chubby animals | Thumbnail includes a picture of a light brown hamster eating cookies and a picture of a chubby seal

20 Chubby Baby Animals Serving A Little Extra Roundness And Floof

12 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text "Here in Hawaii, we have the Hawaiian Monk Seal which is one the most endangered seal species in the world. Whenever one of these chonky babies wants to sunbathe on the shore, the DLNR (department of land and natural resources) will post up a rope and signs with a 10-15 foot radius around the seal as it's technically illegal to get close to this endangered species and you can get fined."

Tourists Get Unreasonably Offended When Local Hawaiian Tells Them To Back TF Away From Endangered Seals

seal oops funny - 8585347584

Did I say that Out Loud?

animals seal cold toilet toilet seat - 8587934720

Your Face All Winter Long

funny seal gifs This Seal Must Be Somebody's Dad With Jokes Like That

This Seal Must Be Somebody's Dad With Jokes Like That

seal penguins cute Video - 73875201

Oh! Excuse Me, I Thought You Were a Rock

cute seal rescue What Is That Baby Seal Doing in a Field Full of Cows?

What Is That Baby Seal Doing in a Field Full of Cows?

seal cute funny Video - 72310785

This Baby Seal REALLY Wants to Learn to Surf

seal cute funny Video - 72142849

Don't Sneak Up on Me Like That!

seal cute Video - 72111873

Adorable Baby Seal Isn't Sure What to Do Now That He's Inside

seal flipper funny omg - 7564740096

You'd Think He'd be Used to That by Now

animals seal Awkward romance kissing - 8477834752

Sorry to Spoil the Romance

cute baby animals sleepy seal gif

Wake Me Up When It's the Weekend