
animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - eggcup my plan step 1: buy 15 identical cats step 2: invite someone over step 3: when they ask how many cats you have say "just one but he's really fast" Source: eggcup 45,980 notes tl'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And A Whole Lotta Shenanigans

list of funny and fresh animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a crow 'Bird - Logan Guntzelman @adirtyguntz wtf am I supposed to do w this information Traducir Tweet M HOME/ANIMALS / BIRDS New Study Finds That Crows Are So Intelligent They Understand the Concept of Zero By Madeleine Muzdakis on July 21, 2021 P' and a goat eating paper 'Automotive lighting - DOUG SH INDEPENDENT.CO.UK Goat climbs into police car, eats paperwork, headbutts officer 'N i'

Rise And Shine With Fresh Animal Memes (May 1, 2022)

reddit thread 10 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text " Now, a year later he continuously contacts be to babysit her while he is out of town. I oblige because I feel bad for abandoning the dog. But he always lets me know last minute, like the day prior. I finally told my ex that I will no longer be babysitting the dog. He basically made me feel horrible. But my friends think I'm being reasonable. "

Divorcee Decides To Stop Petsitting Manipulative Ex Husband's Dog, He Tries To Gaslight Her Into Continuing

10 reddit text images, puppy debacle | thumbnail blue background "I (f19) and partner ( m20) are expecting a baby girl in early May. We are currently working on moving to a different apartment and the property allows pets. My partner and I are both dog people and love animals  I've told him I WILL NOT BE CARING FOR THE DOG IF HE DECIDES TO BRING IT HOME. He tried to reassure" me by saying. " All you'd have to do is keep the dog alive while im at work" ( he works 10-12 hours a day)"

Delusional Dude Can Not Respect His Pregnant Girlfriend's Wishes Not To Adopt A Puppy After The Birth Of Their Child

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Organism - I took a shit in my grandma's cat's litterbox when I was like 13 and my whole family was wilding out trying to figure out why the cat took such a huge dump. Then they took her to the vet and we found out she has feline HIV so in a way, I helped her. this story was wild from start to finish'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Absolute Weirdness

list of funny and fresh animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a dog carrying a puppy in a backpack 'Dog - Frank, a pitbull mix living in Hoboken, carries Tito (his senior Chihuahua brother who can't walk very well) on their walks together @HobokenGirIBlog' and a cat on top of a seal pillow 'Cat - I told my friend I was having a bad day and he sent me this, hope it makes your day better too'

Rise And Shine With Fresh Animal Memes (April 24, 2022)

11 reddit text images | thumbnail text "My sister proceeded to tell me that there was a second dog that desperately needed a new foster, so she planned to take in that one as soon as her current dog was gone. So, she couldn't do anymore babysitting than she already is (sometimes she comes over to my house in the morning to help out). I could literally feel my stress levels spike. I haven't ever done this before, but I opened "

Entitled Karen Expects Her Sister To Stop Fostering Dogs So She Can Continue Babysitting Her Kids For Free

11 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background "lady was convinced that this was all the evidence she needed as I had told these dogs sit perfectly still and she began accusing me of faking to need a service dog just so I could bring my pet everywhere. I wasn't really in the mood to go through the whole argument so I told her to stfu and sit down. This just made her madder as I wasnt providing a valid reason and was instead asking her to shut up. "

Nosey Karen Harasses Person With 'Fake Service Dog' At Cafe, Gets Told To Hush Up And Take A Seat

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - A turings in an attempt to appeal to the pathos of my potential employers, i wrote my resume using the same format a no-kill shelter would use to describe a geriatric dog turings i am a gentle, mild-mannered young man looking for a forever job to spend the rest of my years in. though i may not be the most talented and versatile person on the job market, i'm the perfect employee for someone out ther'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Complete Ridiculousness And Chaos

list of funny and fresh animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a sign with a baby and a crocodile 'Plant - Offer your children to the Lizard God! Tame his wrath with sweet infant's flesh May we survive another year Free from his mighty jaws' and a cat in a box 'Cat - Bought my cat a new tower LONE UTA Calfo ty Cone FAMILY CAT Cats Love 1el'

Rise And Shine With Fresh Animal Memes (April 17, 2022)

funny things people named their pets | RhydYGwin 23 hours ago edited 19 hours 24 22 More Obligatory, not vet vet's waiting room, and there puppy with woman and child puppy named Dave child Atari.

Absurd Pet Names People Encountered

collection of forty four funny cats memes and three bad ones thumbnail includes two pictures including a big black cat and a small black kitten copycat 'Cat - sofluffysoyummy: A cat and a lowercase cat' and a cat against a grey background looking confused 'Cat - when you meow at your owner and it gives you food instead of the nuclear launch codes idea4ant'

Forty Four Funny Cat Memes And Three Horrible Ones

Man doesn't evacuate for hurricane soon enough, and ends up sheltering with lions | r/tifu Join u/nuqlick TIFU by not evacuating hurricane early enough and ending up shelter with lions L shared this story before on reddit long time ago, but someone told belongs this sub This happened within past few years. Not gonna name hurricane or zoo, because don't want zoo get hate mail about treatment animals or anything really they did phenomenal job with this being during hurricane, and don't

Man Evacuates For Hurricane Late, Ends Up Sheltering With Lions

Dog masters the art of herding a Roomba | gallusrostromegalus So one my neighbors has lawn Roomba or whatever they're called, and this thing trundles around looking like background robot background original trilogy, and ABSOLUTELY BAFFLING DOGS. They have concluded think s some kind prey animal because right after this video ended they decided crouch down and stalk which means 90% sure going have stop Arwen eating at some point.

Tumblr Thread: Dog Masters The Art Of Herding A Roomba

Human ends up befriending a cat that doesn't meow. | sailorcuba Follow purest form serotonin is cat looks at u and u go like and meows at u moderngargoyle Follow like is very unspecific response still have no idea want but l applaud adorably meowed all same, well done moderngargoyle Follow This post led reminisce on nature cat's meowing, and have funny story befriended feral cat once who had spent her life forest without human

Tumblr Thread: Human Befriends Cat That Doesn't Meow

big cat crab crabs ridiculous sniffing voting-page - 6417900288

Better Get to a Doctor, ASAP