
animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - apricops When I was a twelve/thirteen, me and my extended family went on a vacation to Alaska, we took a passenger train that was pretty much a tourist line, and they had a guy doing some activities and games and stuff to help pass the time. One of the things was he gave everyone a notecard and said something like"draw a male moose. There's something specific a male moose has" and five minute later he'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Absolute Randomness

list of funny and fresh animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a crab skeleton 'Font - It's inaccurate plastic animal skeleton season again TR 139 ARD' and a statue of a hedgehog 'Automotive parking light - Eva ''Buff Girlfriend" @ayyy_vuh There's something touching about how people across all times and cultures have been making little dudes Deep Thot @thatsgoodweb 15h Hedgehog on wheels, from Iran, 1500 BC 10:28 PM 2021-09-23 Twitter for Android'

Rise And Shine With Fresh Animal Memes (September 25, 2022)

weekly collection of funny animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a woman feeding a pig in a car 'Smile - 'THIS IS THE GREATEST DAY OF MY LIFE!' yelled the Barista as she literally jumped out the drive-thru window to give my pet pig a cup of whipped cream.' and a lion with a funny square mane 'Dog - Lion in China zoo goes viral for fringe, zookeepers deny giving it haircut bit.ly/38UVCQp enzyme @kyszix his girl don't even wanna look at him'

Wake Up And Enjoy A Cup Of Coffee With Fresh Animal Memes (August 17, 2022)

list of funny and fresh animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a fluffy rat sniffing a flower 'Bird - @nochoir i have NEVER seen a curly-haired mouse sniffing a flower in my life.... obsessively thinking ifunny.co' and a squirrel lying on a bowl of ice 'Vertebrate - Mothra P.I. Ukraine Russia @Hardywolf359 When you put out a bowl of ice for the local critters on an unusually hot day and one exhausted on it... little guy falls asleep'

Rise And Shine With Fresh Animal Memes (July 24, 2022)

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - homunculus-argument Anyway today we saw a cop gently try to catch an injured baby seagull into a box, on the street while the baby's non-injured sibling was running back and forth beeping, the babies' parent was on a nearby rooftop screaming but not intervening, and the girl selling berries and peas on the nearby stand (who had reported an injured bird probably needing help) tried to aid in catching the injured bird'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Stories Full Of Twists And Turns

weekly collection of funny animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a tortoise climbing over a fence 'Fence - Roses are red Pigs cannot fly Breaking News LIVE Tartoise attempts escape because fuck you, that's why TVN EXCLUSIVE' and a animal next to a bunch of trash 'Carnivore - Upon opening up the treadmill his crimes were revealed'

Wake Up And Enjoy A Cup Of Coffee With Fresh Animal Memes (July 13, 2022)

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes two pictures of a man holding a cat up to a ceiling and one tumblr posts 'Product - jokeboy Follow living with a tall dude is ridiculous I just turned around and he was walking our cat around on the ceiling dongboss you wouldn't get our bond jokeboy Follow'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Unexpected Connections

list of funny and fresh animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a pug in a bag 'Dog - kristofer thomas @kristoferthomas just took my pug on the subway in a tote bag. he delicately licked the elbow of the woman standing in front of me, who then let out easily the most blood- curdling scream i have ever' and a man taking a selfie with an angry cat 'Hair - I'm laughing so hard. I was trying to take cute pictures and she saw the neighbourhood cat she fights with o 80 81'

Rise And Shine With Fresh Animal Memes (July 10, 2022)

10 photoshopped snake images with unique markings | thumbnail left and right snake image, white body, emoji photoshopped onto center, text "psbattle: this snake with unique markings"

Epic Photoshop Battle: Redditors Shop Snake With Unique Markings

list of funny and fresh animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a horse lying down 'Vertebrate - jim rose circus @jimrosecircus1 Meet Sugar, she doesn't like to be ridden. If Sugar is approached with a saddle she lyes down and pretends to be asleep. Sugar refuses to open her eyes until the riders leave.' and two cats fighting 'Photograph - Peace is not an option.'

Rise And Shine With Fresh Animal Memes (June 19, 2022)

11 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text "When I called to ask why she hadn't been by yet she told me that actually they were having trouble getting into my bedroom because she had locked the door the night before. There is not a key to that door. She calls a locksmith to let her in. Anyway she sent me an invoice for $150. She says that locking my bedroom door wasn't her fault because I didn't leave a note saying not to lock it."

Petsitter Hits Pet Owner With A Fat Locksmith Bill After Locking Herself Out Of Pet's Room

11 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background, text "Today I took my two dogs on a walk. I have a ~50 lb black mouth cur/pit rescue and a cockapoo. I rounded the end of my street and walked by a house that had a boy about 6/7 years old with a few adults (I'm guessing two aunties or grandmas) with him. One of the aunties pointed my dogs out to him. He smiled, I waved and kept walking. As I made it past their house, my dogs whipped around and started barking at something while"

Man Goes Off On Unsupervised Kid For Sprinting Towards His Dogs, Kid's Dad Gets Unreasonably Defensive

10 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background, text "My step-dad said that I could leave her here and that he'll take care of her, but I said no, because again, she's mine. My mom said that my sister was crying and that they promise to keep me updated and I could visit Naboris whenever I want, I said no again. We went back and forth and my mom said that I shouldn't take a little girl's dog and I said "she's not hers, my dad gave Naboris to me, she's mine."

Teen Plans To Move Out With Her Dog, Parents Try To Guilt Her Into Leaving Dog At Home For Sister's Benefit

list of funny and fresh animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a bird sitting on a person 'Bird - when you sit down and your thighs do the thing' and a bunch of raccoons climbing on different things 'Property - Thinkwert @Thinkwert Every raccoon is either planning a heist or in the middle of a heist.'

Rise And Shine With Fresh Animal Memes (May 15, 2022)

11 reddit text images, comparing pet ownership to parenthood | thumbnail blue background "watch his dog for that amount of time. Can't take his dog to a kennel because she doesn't have all of her shots, she also refuses to use the restroom outdoors, she's not a puppy) During the same convo he says to me "oh my goodness I can't wait to get back to her, it's so crazy being a parent. All the sacrifices we have to make go unappreciated...""

Delusional Dude Compares Having A Puppy To His Sister's Experience As A Parent (Of Human Children)

11 reddit text images, woman tells woman to leash her dog | thumbnail blue background text "I was sitting on the benches enjoying the sun, when the dog races up to another child who screams for their mom to pick them up. Dog lady comes up after the dog, apologizing and saying 'he just loooooooves kids so much!' I usually don't say anything because not my circus, not my monkey. I was in an off mood today tho, so I snap 'You need to socialize your f*cking dog, or leash it

Dog Owning Karen Takes Dog For A Stroll In The Park Off Leash, Thoughtful Bystander Interjects