Animal Comedy Newsletter


Pesto the Huge Baby Penguin Breaks World Record for His Awwbsolutely Abnormal Size, While Wholesomely Capturing Hoomans’ Hearts Around the Globe

Pesto the Huge Baby Penguin Breaks World Record for His Awwbsolutely Abnormal Size, While Wholesomely Capturing Hoomans’ Hearts Around the Globe

King Pesto
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8 pictures of a penguin, a man, and text, 16 pictures of text, and 1 video of a man, a penguin, and text | Thumbnail includes three pictures of a man and a penguin including 'In 2011, João Pereira found a stranded, oil-covered penguin on the beach near his home in Rio de Janeiro..', 'Dindim swims over 5,000 miles from Patagonia to Brazil annually to reunite with João..', 'João considers Dindim his best friend and credits their bond with bringing joy and purpose to his life.'

Kindhearted Man Saves Penguin From Oil Spill and Releases Her Despite Forming an Emotional Connection, Now Every Year His Wholesome Feathery Friend Swims 5,000 Miles to Visit Her Savior (Video)

Faith in humanity - restored
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4 pictures of a yellow penguin and 19 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of a yellow penguin, one picture of text including 'I'm pretty sure that's a seagull covered in curry', and one picture of a person holding up an orange seagull

Ridiculously Rare Yellow Penguin Pictures Rise As The Internet Hysterically Hollers That It's Another Spicy Scandal Covered In Curry

We know a shiny Pokemon when we see one
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26 penguin memes | Thumbnail includes one meme of two penguins including 'Penguins watching the night sky in Melbourne looking like a Pixar movie' and one meme including 'Tux NAUGHTY Penguin of the month Pushed Timmy off the pier after it took him an hour to walk there Tux Good penguin of the month Mr Mac Calls out to his blind girlfriend so she can find her burrow easily Mr Mac NAUGHTY Penguin of the month Pushed Timmy off the pier after it took him an hour to walk there Tux Good penguin of'

Slide Into The Weekend Vibes With 26 Feathered Funnies In The Form Of Some Slipper And Seriously Silly Penguin Memes

Ice, ice baby
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Meme compilation of snowy creatures.

32+ Un-brr-lieveable Wittle Winter Wonderland Animal Memes to Help You Bear the Snowy Season

The incoming cold doesn't have to be miserable!
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25 animal pictures | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Eye' and 'Toy'

Cute And Captivating: 25 Pawsitively Precious Photos Of Baby Animals To Brighten Your Day

These heartwarming photos are about to make you smile from ear to ear.
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funny-penguin-memes penguin memes penguins cute penguins funny penguins wholesome-penguin-memes animal memes wholesome memes wholesome animal memes funny animals - 21350661

26 Wholesome Penguin Memes to Help Cool You Off From This Summer Heat

It's too hot. We want to penguin. Just penguin. No brain. Don't even know ABCs. Just waddle and slide.
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27 penguin memes | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Bird - * ERMAHGERD PERNGWENS' and 'Bird - Babe, I have good news and bad news... Bad news first The penguin pooped in the tub We don't own a penguin And now the good news... 409'

Dive Into The World Of Flippin' Funny Penguin Memes And Slide Right On Into Giggle-Town (20+ Hilarious Penguin Memes)

Some hilarious flightless fellas up in here
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List of funny and cute penguin images | thumbnail includes two images including a baby penguin and two penguins.

Playful Penguin Parade: 15 Adorable And Funny Penguins Waddling And Hopping To And Fro (Pics, Memes, And Vids)

By far, the best name fore a group of penguins is a tuxedo of penguins.
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19 pictures of penguins and text and 1 video of penguins and text | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Water - feathe UNILAD COLLA MOST INTENSE PENGUIN VIDEO OF ALL TIME', 'Water - UNILAD This little guy was in danger of being separated from his group when he stood on a sheet of ice that broke away. 7', and 'Water - UNILAD'

Lonely Penguin Separated From Pack Successfully Reconnects With Colony In What Could Be An Audition For Penguin Ninja Warrior (Pictures & Video)

Fastest waddler in the west
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28 pictures of animals | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Sky - 201 7354 7354' and 'Cat - 叠'

28 Amazing Animals Born With Optical Illusions That Are Fur-Tastic And Awwdorable

All in favor of adding eyebrows to cats, please raise your hand
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20 penguin memes | thumbnail left and right penguin memes

20 Hilarious Penguin Memes That Might Just Leave You Waddling With Laughter

Perfectly silly
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40 Of The Best Socially Awkward Penguin Memes For All Introverts With Social Anxiety

That moment when you realize they weren't waving at you...
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7 pictures and one video of construction equipment and penguins | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Sky - Tok mattykjordan When you need to clear some snow because you work in Antarctica, but you have to stop because you have rules to follow', 'Vehicle - When you need to clear some snow because you work in Antarctica, but you have to stop because you have rules to follow CAT TikTok minttykjorden,' and 'Hood - Til' and comment including 'Come along a walk: Ah so penguins are Antarctic'

Breaking News: Penguins Obstruct Construction Team To Play Construction Worker (Video)

Penguin breaks are the new lunch break
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20 pictures of chubby animals | Thumbnail includes a picture of a light brown hamster eating cookies and a picture of a chubby seal

20 Chubby Baby Animals Serving A Little Extra Roundness And Floof

Must. pet. all. animals.
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baby penguins and groups of fluffy penguins waddling cuddling and kissing in the snow and on ice

8 Times Penguins Proved to Be the Cutest Aquatic Birds

Bring on the penguin cuteness.
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