Animal Comedy Newsletter


Canb't Beabt the Prishe Though

dentist face giraffes hanging numb tongue - 6075897344
See all captions Created by Raeofhope31452

Not Polite to Stare

excuse me giraffes rude sky Staring - 5906701568
See all captions Created by bloodline

Smug Giraffe

fart flatulence giraffes gross smell smug - 5933218304
See all captions Created by Aletheia96Veritas

Teleportation, Son. Teleportation.

giraffes photoshop what - 5905736448
See all captions Created by Suzybeanz

Kind of Like What We Had for Lunch

butts caption fart farts giraffes gross hair hairdo hairstyle smells stinky - 5640682240
See all captions Created by Winnie-Wonka

Hurry Up, Man!

bro giraffes patience waiting - 5851069184
See all captions

Think it O-o-over

giraffes singing - 5850966272
See all captions Created by nomoremanhattan

Blame it on the Younger Sibling

animals duck giraffes wasnt me - 5712508416
See all captions Created by tahutoa

Don't Try Any Funny Stuff!

advice animals best of the week caption captioned duck giraffes Hall of Fame threat - 5640197888
See all captions Created by iluvvakittys

Does the Hat Help at All?

giraffes guy hat stfu thinking wtf - 5567970048
Via F*** Yeah, Dementia


freedom giraffes justice zoo zookeeper - 5481124864
See all captions Created by Greybeard55

LL? LL?!? What the-- Oh, I Get It Now!

animals giraffes I Can Has Cheezburger laughing lol mouth mouth open - 5093998336
See all captions Created by ForevererAloner

The Morning After the Wildest Girachelor Party Ever

animals city giraffes I Can Has Cheezburger weird where am i wtf - 5087572224
See all captions Created by LOLfan1

Hao Mey Ai Be Of Asistunse?

derp face giraffes hello hi o hai zoo - 5938644480
See all captions Created by ilikeseggs
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