Animal Comedy Newsletter


I ain't seeing no buffalo, but there sure as heck are a bunch of deer around here. One of the cutest, and surprisingly menacing creatures, at least to suburbia, is the deer. Don't let those doe eyes and bushy tails fool you, turn your head at the wrong time and your Rhododendrons are gone! So check out all this stash of deer products you won't be disappointed in, and forget about your lost gardening award.

Lend Me a Hand?

cat expression attack deer eating trying - 6640197376
See all captions Created by Suzi_sMom


cuteness deer friends plan teamwork treats - 6570549760
See all captions Created by jooli

I Said "Sunkissed and Hooved" Not "Burned Orange and Obvious".

deer disappointed obvious orange - 6567224832
See all captions Created by momofzoo

These Antlers Are Giving Me a Swelled Head

antlers deer radio signal - 6559981824
See all captions Created by TuckerBentley

We Know

deer disguise pretending - 6475578880
See all captions Created by HaseoATC

Attempts to Train Subject Have Been Fruitless

cat confused deer training - 6419372800
See all captions Created by spoiledcat

Here For the Food Mostly

baby confused cuddle deer food Forest house lost - 5782568960
See all captions Created by worksucks

Phase Two: Complete

best of the week captions deer evil Hall of Fame holding plan revenge tricked - 6400141568
Via Reddit

You're So Deer to Me

come on deer fawn fun pickup line - 6300079616
See all captions Created by mamawalker

Fill Up On Love

bull terrier cage cuddling deer Hall of Fame - 6276911104
See all captions Created by beernbiccies

Yup, This Spot is Perfect

comfortable deer kids nap perfect school spot - 6219418880
See all captions Created by worksucks

You Okay?

checking dead deer Okay Staring wake up - 5791848960
See all captions Created by TheCrazyRavioli

In Fairness, the Deer Was Trespassing

cat deer demonstration - 6131575040
See all captions Created by wyskwy

You're the Worst Babysitter Ever!

baby animals babysitter cheetah deer dinner eating mom not weekend - 6128294144
See all captions Created by kittahmonster

Life Finds a Way

antlers butt deer itch scratching - 6100330240
See all captions Created by ThaDLady

Bambi's Eyesight is Going in His Old Age

bambi blind cat confusion deer eyesight rabbit wth - 5790976000
Created by DyannLynn