Animal Comedy Newsletter


I ain't seeing no buffalo, but there sure as heck are a bunch of deer around here. One of the cutest, and surprisingly menacing creatures, at least to suburbia, is the deer. Don't let those doe eyes and bushy tails fool you, turn your head at the wrong time and your Rhododendrons are gone! So check out all this stash of deer products you won't be disappointed in, and forget about your lost gardening award.

Are They Part of the Harlem Hoof Trotters?

deer basketball pun - 7763724800

My Deer

proposal deer funny - 7630230272
See all captions Created by echeg5

A Deer, a Female, Maneating Deer

deer funny - 7709371392
See all captions Created by penelopesdad

Especially Your Dear Deer

pun deer dear funny - 7473106944
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Every Deer Ever

cars deer funny - 7414446848

Ninja Mode Activate

ninja deer - 7165735936
Via Tastefully Offensive

This Deer is a Geenyuss!

grass deer hidden camouflage derp - 7140843008

It's a Very Important Job!

dik dik internet deer computer busy - 7090729984
See all captions Created by espace39

But Why Isn't it Closer to My Mouth?

donut deer - 7054796032
See all captions Created by HMan495

That Moment When You Realize You Should Have Just Gotten It Yourself

beer holding hearing misunderstood deer - 7028959232
See all captions Created by tag96

The Lion Takes What it Can Get

lions deer hunting Cats - 7013605376
See all captions Created by plaidcats

The Biggest Horror Movie of the Year

scary stalking deer hunting watching - 6987337728
See all captions Created by Wolfman58AZ

Could You Say No to That Face?

sprinkles demanding puns donut deer - 6972233216
See all captions Created by worksucks

That Hunter is Toast!

Staring deer bambi mom hunter - 6958637824
See all captions Created by penelopesdad

Whether You're Offering or Not

hungry donut nose deer food - 6884503808
See all captions Created by echeg5

Dramatic Deer

doom donut scared deer dramatic - 6886904320
See all captions Created by LadyLatias