Animal Comedy Newsletter


Good Advice for Some

birds crow crows poster puns raven ravens - 6188704256
See all captions Created by TuckerBentley

And They're Even Cordless

birds days wood woodpecker - 6182404864
See all captions Created by Emerald63

Run Free

baby chick best of the week birds chicken chicken nuggets do not want ducklings escape free Hall of Fame nugget run away running away - 6076022528
See all captions Created by flyguy1.14159

We Attack at Dawn!

attack birds calling come flock minions - 6214870784
Via Reddit

Pretty Cute, Really

angry birds birds cute sleeping - 6136378880
See all captions

Is it Working Yet?

birds pigeon pigeons sexy walk - 6126957312
See all captions Created by frenchfry237

Never Did Care Much for Chrysanthemums Anyway

baby birds birds drink drunk flowers too much - 6133997824
See all captions Created by beernbiccies

The Little Ones are the Appetizers

birds cat chicken dinner eating food hungry - 6074315776
See all captions Created by SpikeDawg

No Parakeet Displays of Affection!

birds get a room kissing love parakeet PDA tree - 6031359488
See all captions Created by Anita_in_VA

Quit Your Squawking

beak birds grab quiet shut up subtle - 6082772480
See all captions Created by BigDaddyZebracakes

When did That Get There?

best of the week birds body confusion Hall of Fame leg legs looking Owl owls wtf - 6065992192
See all captions Created by crazinulikeit

Did I Scare You?

birds boo flying jump scare scared startled yelling - 6056780288
See all captions Created by earthjazz

A Very Very Large Number

age birds grumpy number numbers old Owl owls - 6058666240
See all captions Created by cratchmaster

I Said Buzz Off!

angry birds buzzards dude problem wtf - 6032673280
See all captions Created by waefremod

That Awkward Moment

Awkward birds chicken chickens children ducklings kids mistake multipanel that awkward moment wrong - 6079869184

Must Be the Good Spot

birds crowd sharing tree - 6023552256
See all captions Created by Pilot33