Animal Comedy Newsletter


The Last Thing Your Freshly-Washed Car Sees

birds car evil pigeons poop washed - 6340807424
See all captions Created by nomoremanhattan

It's the 4th of July! You Got Something to Say About That?

america American Flag best of the week birds captions eagle eagles freedom Hall of Fame holidays stern - 6394563584
Via Sleeping Among the Dead

Oh, It's Already Been Brought-en!

best of the week birds bring it buzzards come at me bro fight Hall of Fame - 6253561088
See all captions Created by Sparklegirl3

The Target Will Never See Him Coming

birds captions disguise Owl owls shape - 6294793728
See all captions Created by betskand

I'll Be Here All Week, Try the Birdseed

birds captions parrot parrots pun puns - 6295052544
See all captions Created by TuckerBentley

Simple, Really

best of the week better birds Hall of Fame Owl owls stupidity world - 6293668096
See all captions Created by vandle89

The Feathered Revolution Begins

baby birds baby chick bird birds Hall of Fame Protest revolution - 6310205952
See all captions Created by Unknown

Wait Till You See Me In Stillettos

bird birds chick legs sexy - 6302318848
See all captions Created by alisaorrdaisy

Work It, Chickadee

angry bird birds cute fierce grumpy Hall of Fame - 6297631488
See all captions Created by JenniMac24

It Must Be the Feathered Mohawk

batman bird birds Hall of Fame rock serious the joker - 6286997504
See all captions Created by Kurasu

Next Time Wear Leather

birds flying Hall of Fame Owl owls puns quotes sky terminator - 6277147648
See all captions Created by shanebc01

You're Done Chirping For Now

beak birds - 6261931776
See all captions

A Nice Shower

angry annoyed birds hose Owl owls plants wet - 6255596032
Created by frank44mag

I Seriously Grow to TWICE This Size

angry bird birds cute dont-make-me mad puffed up threatening you wouldn't like me when - 6243238656
See all captions Created by karlkat

Well, Ain't This Just Ducky

adopted best of the week birds different duckling ducklings ducks eggs Hall of Fame Interspecies Love Owl owls parenting stuck - 6210701824
See all captions Created by vikkeez

Did You?

angry birds cute disbelief - 6212195584
See all captions Created by AngelAndz