Animal Comedy Newsletter


10 images of text comments from Reddit thread on Am I The Asshole | thumbnail features an image of a brown and white dog standing on a country road on the left and on the right features a photo of an arguing couple, text overlaid on thumbnail reads "AITA for kicking out bf because of his dog? / Not the A-hole," photos come from hills and

Woman Kicks Boyfriend And His Dog To The Curb While Reddit Cheers Her On

Hit the road, Jack.
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reddit thread 10 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text " Now, a year later he continuously contacts be to babysit her while he is out of town. I oblige because I feel bad for abandoning the dog. But he always lets me know last minute, like the day prior. I finally told my ex that I will no longer be babysitting the dog. He basically made me feel horrible. But my friends think I'm being reasonable. "

Divorcee Decides To Stop Petsitting Manipulative Ex Husband's Dog, He Tries To Gaslight Her Into Continuing

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10 reddit text images, puppy debacle | thumbnail blue background "I (f19) and partner ( m20) are expecting a baby girl in early May. We are currently working on moving to a different apartment and the property allows pets. My partner and I are both dog people and love animals  I've told him I WILL NOT BE CARING FOR THE DOG IF HE DECIDES TO BRING IT HOME. He tried to reassure" me by saying. " All you'd have to do is keep the dog alive while im at work" ( he works 10-12 hours a day)"

Delusional Dude Can Not Respect His Pregnant Girlfriend's Wishes Not To Adopt A Puppy After The Birth Of Their Child

Somebody give this guy a slap in the reality button
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13 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text "I bought a dog whistle, and the past few days, every time the dog goes outside and barks its head off, I open my window and blow the whistle in its direction. It goes nuts, and often just storms off back inside. My neighbour caught me doing this and shouts at me demanding that I stop, but I refuse to. I told her if she can't train her dog then I'll do it myself. I am breaking no laws as nobody is being harmed, so I am completely protected"

Exhausted Dude Finds Creative Solution To Neighbor's Dogs' Incessant Barking, Gets Chewed Out

A debacle, a dilemma even
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10 pictures and videos, 1 of a black dog wearing a red vest that has a sticker that says "Pet Me" and 9 images of Reddit comments discussing | thumbnail includes two side by side images, left is a black dog wearing a red vest with

Pet Me Patch Creates Fiery But Hilarious Reddit Debate

To Pet or Not To Pet
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12 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background "When we got there, dinner was still being prepped by the mom and 2 sisters (in their 30s). All throughout dinner all 3 of them were taking food from the counter, reaching down and feeding the dogs out of their hands and were continuing to use their bare hands to prep the food without washing the obvious dog slobber from their palms and fingers. "

Germaphobe Refuses To Eat Boyfriend's Family's Cooking After They Hand Feed Dogs While Preparing Food, Drama Ensues

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12 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background, woman with hand graphic "The mom who yelled at me called me two days later saying that she was sorry about the "misunderstanding" and that firing me was an overreaction. I told her I was no longer available and she started crying about how hard it was to find a new sitter , Looking back, I realize that maybe I should have asked first, but at the time it seemed like something that was within the scope of caring for the dog. "

Karen Nastily Fires Babysitter For Brushing Dog's Fur, Delusionally Expects Her To Come Running Back After Subpar Apology

Take a seat Karen
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10 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background "Due to his love of animals my friend has asked that I take him on a behind the scenes tour of the Zoo to see the animals one on one and up close and personal, especially the lions which is his favourite animal...I immediately knew this was a bad idea, I"

Entitled Mom Does Not Understand Why Zoo Worker Friend Won't Take Her Son To Visit The Lions

But he loves animals!
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11 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background "lady was convinced that this was all the evidence she needed as I had told these dogs sit perfectly still and she began accusing me of faking to need a service dog just so I could bring my pet everywhere. I wasn't really in the mood to go through the whole argument so I told her to stfu and sit down. This just made her madder as I wasnt providing a valid reason and was instead asking her to shut up. "

Nosey Karen Harasses Person With 'Fake Service Dog' At Cafe, Gets Told To Hush Up And Take A Seat

Take a seat, Karen
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