I Has A Hotdog Newsletter


What a Heavenly Body

nasa star selfie caption - 8556187648
See all captions Created by SirNottaguy-Imadad

Awkward Moment in Cat-Dog Relations

intelligence caption maze mistake funny stupidity - 8557557760
See all captions Created by Philippa2

He'll Keep This Trophy Forever

caption - 8555850752
See all captions Created by Chris10a

It's Very Effective

caption kitten Cats funny - 8555969792
See all captions Created by Sissy

Thank Dog, Ahh God - You Are Alright!

Pillow exploded caption - 8556320512
Created by anselmbe

Meep, Meep!

labrador retriever caption - 8556298752
See all captions Created by ganwil

And That's Pretty Fast

patience phone caption faster - 8556196352
See all captions Created by SirNottaguy-Imadad

Glad We Checked Though

animals grass caption - 8555724288
See all captions Created by katkabob

Yet Another Reason We Should All Be Glad Cats Don't Have Thumbs

caption Cats funny - 8552867840
See all captions Created by echeg5


test brain caption - 8552669184
See all captions Created by SirNottaguy-Imadad

Now That's an Upgrade!

system caption - 8555246336
See all captions Created by beckysdad

These Shoes Are Just Wrong For Me

wanted pink caption - 8555153408
See all captions Created by Chris10a

I Think I'm Being Had

naughty box camera kitty caption - 8555180288
Created by beckysdad

They Haven't Even Started With Pumpkin Spice Everything

Dog - This is gonna be a lonnnnnnng Halloween season
See all captions Created by jennybookseller

Until The NEXT Hour!

caption Cats funny - 8552635392
See all captions Created by Sissy

That's Right

cat say caption - 8554035456
See all captions Created by sandyra