I Has A Hotdog Newsletter


You Can Tell Us, But No Guarantee We Won't Be Mad

animals basement found box caption litter - 8573736960
See all captions Created by onefinekitty

Tough Audience

jokes puppy tired caption - 8572956672
See all captions Created by jennybookseller

It's a Long Way Down

puppies pee seats stadium caption cheap trouble - 8572651008
See all captions Created by Philippa2

And Brush Your Teeth

animals cat poop nope kissing caption - 8572429312
See all captions Created by BestCaptionz

It's Totally Natural

nature diving farting caption - 8568881664
See all captions Created by Heyguru

Would This Face Lie to You?

cat caption - 8570638848
See all captions Created by Philippa2

Mine Keeps Going to Sleep

animals ipod puppy listening caption - 8569383936
See all captions Created by Greencliff

Shhh, Stop That Typing!

animals cute caption - 8569817856
See all captions Created by echeg5

I Guess If You Don't Mind Sharing Food Bowls

animals stay friends dinner caption - 8567325440
See all captions Created by allison.camerondicker

And It's Got To Be Custom Fur!

animals cute caption Cats funny - 8568689664
See all captions Created by BestCaptionz

The Treat-Collector

bad treat caption - 8568080384
See all captions Created by Chris10a

Time to Call the Groomer.

here over camera caption smile - 8568035328
See all captions Created by Philippa2

I Can See It In Your Fries

animals hello caption meat - 8567461888
Created by heyman

Like Magic

pizza disappear caption - 8566824960
See all captions Created by homie_of_darkness

This May Only Work If You Are a Puppy Dog or Johnny Depp

cute look caption - 8566142464
See all captions Created by jennybookseller

Wise Dog Is Very Wise

healthy relationship facebook caption no - 8564359168
See all captions Created by SirNottaguy-Imadad