
original ICanHasCheezburger video of a woman who feeds raccoons through her window | thumbnail includes three pictures of raccoons eating things through a window

Welcome To Trash Panda Express: A Woman's Kitchen Window Turns Into A Raccoon Drive Through (Video)

video of animals experiencing freedom for the first time | thumbnail includes one picture of a smiling chimpanzee

Chimp Sees The Sky For First Time In 28 Years And Other Previously Caged Animals Finally Experiencing Nature And Freedom (Video)

video about a dog mom who lost her cubs adopting other baby animals | thumbnail includes three pictures including a dog licking a cat and a dog sitting in a cage with a kitten and a cat and a kitten sitting side by side

Momma Dog Who Got Separated From Her Pups Now Thinks That Every Baby Is Hers (Video)

video of a rescued bat that acts like a dog | thumbnail includes three pictures including a bat sucking on a sucker and a bat sticking its tongue out and a bat being petted

Rescued Bat Acts Just Like A Dog, Demanding Belly Rubs From His Human (Video)

video of an octopus becoming best friends with a diver | thumbnail includes two pictures including an octopus looking into a mirror and an octopus touching a man's hand

Incredibly Smart Tiny Octopus Asks A Diver For Help, Ever Since Then They Become Best Friends (Video)

video of a rescued wolf that behaves like a dog | thumbnail includes three pictures including a wolf howling and a wolf sitting on a man's chest and a man kissing a wolf's snout

'He Loves Being Around People': Man Rescues A Wolf Who Is Basically Just A Loving Overgrown Puppy (Video)

video of a cockatoo causing a whole lot of trouble | thumbnail includes two pictures including a bird biting the buttons off a TV remote and a cockatoo looking at a cactus toy

Troublemaker Bird Gets A Toy That Copies Every Sound It Makes, Immediately Loses Its Mind In Reaction (Video)

video of a marmot eating a watermelon | thumbnail includes one picture of a marmot making grabby hands at a watermelon

Very Excited Hongry Marmot Chomps On A Lorge Piece Of Watermelon (Video)

video of a hare fighting a human and a net to defend another hare | thumbnail includes one image of a woman holding a hare in a net and another hare fighting her

Fierce Hare Comes To The Defense Of A Friend, Battling Human And Net Like A Real Superhero (Video)

video of a cockatoo recovering from illness and becoming very active and sassy | thumbnail includes three pictures including a cockatoo sitting on a drawer with pens all around it and a woman smiling at a cockatoo and a cockatoo fluffing its wings

Sick Cockatoo Finally Gets Better, Turns Out His Real Personality Is Hysterical And Sassy As Heck (Video)

video of a raccoon who can't walk enjoying its life | thumbnail includes two pictures of a small raccoon in a stroller

Raccoon Who Can't Walk Gets Rescued And Becomes Unstoppable In Her Special Stroller (Video)

a video of baby goats jumping around in slow motion to classical music | thumbnail includes one picture of baby goats jumping

Baby Goats Excitedly Jumping Around In Slow Motion To The Sounds Of Classical Music (Video)

video of a mom bear bringing her cubs to visit a human | thumbnail includes one picture of a momma bear climbing a fence and a bunch of bear cubs next to her

Wild Momma Bear Brings Her Cubs To Visit Their Lifelong Human Friend (Video)

1 video of animated dogs | Thumbnail includes one picture including 'Dog Font - It's the dog of wisdom!"

Nostalgic Youtube Video "Dog of Wisdom" Comes Back With A Sequel 7 Years Later, And It's Just As Good As We Remember It

video of a woman who became part of a bear clan | thumbnail includes three pictures including a bear biting on a door handle and a bear lying on someone's porch 'He just loves to lay on my porch occasionally' and a person brushing a bear and bear cub 'I think they sense that they're safe here'

Wild Momma Bears Bring Their Cubs To Visit Her Human Friend, Accept The Human To As A Part Of Their Clan (Video)

video of two really fat raccoons starting a weight loss journey | thumbnail includes two pictures of two really large and fat raccoons

'You're Gonna Learn How To Be A Raccoon": A Pair Of Extra Chonky Raccoons Start Their De-Chonking Journey (Video)