Animal Comedy Newsletter


30 pictures of a dog and man in nature | Thumbnail includes one picture of a dog and man sleeping and one picture of a dog running on a beach next to a motorcycle

30 Pictures From 30 Days of a Dog Dad and His Wholesome Wolfdog Going on Epic Adventures Around the Woofing World

Life goals
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9 pictures of wolves, 14 pictures of text, and 1 video of wolves | Thumbnail includes three pictures of wolves and one picture of text including 'I've never seen a wolf be silly'

Moon-Moon Returns: Wild Wolf Caught on Camera Being Ridiculously Derpy, Howlarity Ensues When She Turns Into a Silly Billy Doggo (Video)

Moon-Moon is back and derpier than ever
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20 pictures of dog rescue | Thumbnail includes three pictures of a dog

Dirty Wild Wolf Dog Wanders to Kindhearted Person For Help, Turns Out to Have Been Abandoned By Multiple Owners But Finally Finds Love and a Furever Home

She finally gets her happy ending
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26 wolf memes | thumbnail includes one meme including 'MEXICAN WORD OF THE DAY: HALLOWEEN I ALWAYS HALLOWEEN I SEE THE FULL MOON' and one meme including 'THE FAKE SMILE YOU USE FOR EVERY PICTURE'

26 Howlarious Wolf Memes to Look at When the Full Moon-Moon Rises

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tumblr thread about a couple accidentally adopting a wolf | thumbnail includes a section of a tumblr thread and a picture of a wolf 'Within the hour, it becomes clear that something is amiss.'

Couple Adopts a ‘Dog’ From Shady Shelter, Realizes It’s Not a Dog at All but Wholesomely Decides to Keep It Anyway

And they lived happily forever after
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25 wolf memes | Thumbnail includes one meme including 'WANNA KNOW WHAT MAKES ME SMILE? FACE MUSCLES' and one meme including 'NO, AS A MATTER OF FACT I HAVE NOT HAD MY COFFEE YET BARBARA. WHY DO YOU ASK?'

25 Woofing Wolf Memes That Will Help You Howl Louder at This Screwball Sunday

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23 wolf memes | Thumbnail includes one meme including '' and one meme including ''

Inside You There Are Two Wolves, Inside This List There Are 23 Wolf Memes

Which AWOOOlf are you?
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11 pictures of a wolf and a husky, 11 pictures of text, 1 video of a wolf and dog | Thumbnail includes one picture of a wolf including 'to find a big gray wolf ' and one picture of a wolf and dog

Wholesome Husky Brings Home Hungry Wild Wolf Pup, Dog Owner Raises Him and the Big Wolf Turns Into a Playful Puppy With His New Doggo Family (Video)

Such a husky thing to do...
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video of two wolf dogs reuniting | thumbnail includes two pictures including two wolf dogs touching noses and two wolf dogs walking next to one another with a fence between them

'He was actually pawing at the enclosure:' Rescued Wolf-Dog Immediately Recognizes His Long-Lost Brother In Sweet Reunion (Video)

Back together again
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video of a wolf howling with its pack | thumbnail includes one picture of a giant gray wolf howling

Pawdorable Giant Gray Wolf Passionately Howls The Spring Song Of His People (Video)

The most beautiful song you've ever heard
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13 pictures of animals and people, 10 pictures of text, and 1 video of a wolf and a man | Thumbnail includes one picture of an animal including 'under the ranger's comfort Became much more obedient', one picture of a man and a wolf including 'they accompany each other' and one picture of a man and a wolf

Injured Wolf Cub Rescued by Warm-Hearted Ranger, Raises and Releases Him Back Into the Wild Only to Find that His Wholesome Wolf Chose Him as his Pack (Video)

Now they are pack members for life
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video of a wolf cub letting out its first howls | thumbnail includes one picture of a wolf pup howling

The Sound Of The First Howls Of A Pawdorable Wolf Pup: 'The pup is pretty loud for only being 4-weeks old!' (Video)

So smol, so loud
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viral twitter thread about the difference in size between dogs and wolves | thumbnail includes two pictures of a dog and a wolf standing next to one another and one tweet 'Nature is A❤ C Subscribe @AMAZINGNATU A husky next to a wolf. My entire life I thought they were the size of dogs. I've been heavily mistaken. 7:16 PM - Apr 10, 2024 - 30.5M Views 1.9K 24K 321K 22K ↑'

People Discover Just How Big Wolves Actually Are By Comparing Them To Dogs, And The Ensuing Memes And Reactions Are Hilarious

Wolves are basically just overgrown puppies, no?
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video of a wolf puppy trying to howl and failing | thumbnail includes one picture of a wolf pup howling

Pawdorable Wolf Pup Attempts To Howl But Can't Quite Get The Sound Out (Video)

He's learning
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video of a wolf waking up and stretching | thumbnail includes one picture of a wolf lying on the ground in a curled up position

Awwdorable Wolf Wakes Up With The Cutest Stretching Routine (Video)

Because we all need more cute wolves in our lives
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38 Awesome Wildlife Moments Captured on Trail Cameras

38 Awesome Wildlife Moments Captured on Trail Cameras

lions, tigers, and bears, oh my
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