
20 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left dolphin tweet "Probably Injured @PeterClayton6 Imagine the effort it took this dolphin to propose, then the woman he loves does this in front of him? Just awful. MARRY ME" thumbnail right what kind of turtle is this meme

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul (July 19, 2022)

Sweet and Innocent Golden Lab Must Have Morbid Secret Double Life Because His Favorite Word is "M_rder"

Sweet and Innocent Golden Lab Must Have Morbid Secret Double Life Because His Favorite Word is "M_rder"

30 dog memes | thumbnail left cartoon human and dog meme "When you accidentally step on your dogs paw. Pls don't I will always remember honestly can't believe you did that I am so sorry" thumbnail right dog snapchat "Our dog's paw looks like mini-version him"

30 Fine And Dandy Dog Memes For A More Humorous Day

this week's collection of pictures that are worth more than 1000 words | thumbnail includes two pictures including a crab holding up a fish and a book with cat paw prints on it

Animal Pictures Worth More Than 1000 Words (20 images)

12 animal tweets | thumbnail image of rat stuck between walls "Yellow hair the Creator @perkmaybe Rat for my room don get confidence, he dey look me like say he be John wick. 11:07 PM Jul 16, 2022. Twitter for iPhone"

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets Of The Week (July 10, 2022)

Dog Owners of Introverted Pups Bring Their Dogs Together and Create the Worlds Most Awkward Dog Party

Dog Owners of Introverted Pups Bring Their Dogs Together and Create the Worlds Most Awkward Dog Party

Dog Pouts All Day, Even Limps Like His Paw Hurts, Until Dad Comes Home and Then He's Magically Cured and Zoomies Extraordinaire

Dog Pouts All Day, Even Limps Like His Paw Hurts, Until Dad Comes Home and Then He's Magically Cured and Zoomies Extraordinaire

18 dog memes | thumbnail left dogs hugging meme, thumbnail right great dane and puppy meme "

20 Mood Lifting Dog Memes For A Better Day (July 14, 2022)

18 screenshots from a Twitter thread where people post pictures of their senior dogs | Thumbnail includes a photo of three senior labrador dogs looking at their owner eating cereal 'We are all Seniors! We love Toast'

A Senior Citizen Appreciation Thread: Dog Owners Celebrate Their Sweet Senior Doggos

"Vape? No, Chihuahua": TikTokers Show Off Their Addictively Adorable Chihuahuas In New Viral Trend

"Vape? No, Chihuahua": TikTokers Show Off Their Addictively Adorable Chihuahuas In New Viral Trend

21 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left ostrich with braces "middle school pictures be like", thumbnail right tweet " Following When you realize you left your drink in the kitchen as soon as you lie down on the couch"

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul (July 12, 2022)

Woman Hilariously Shows off What Her 100-Pound Rottweiler Has to Annoyingly Tolerate to Be Extra Careful About the “One Bite” Law

Woman Hilariously Shows off What Her 100-Pound Rottweiler Has to Annoyingly Tolerate to Be Extra Careful About the “One Bite” Law

this week's collection of pictures that are worth more than 1000 words | thumbnail includes two pictures including a screaming cat with a possum behind it and a few dogs getting washed by a wave at the beach

Animal Pictures Worth More Than 1000 Words (20 images)

17 images golden dog with something in mouth | thumbnail three panels golden dog with things in mouth

Adorable Golden Retriever Picks Up Anything To Gain Her Hooman's Attention

10 animal tweets | thumbnail blue background tweet " Recently overheard a couple on a date talking about favorite movies. The guy confidently said he loved "Rata-Twa." She responded she had never seen it. He went on to describe it: Rat controls chef, makes great food. "Ratatouille?" she asked "It's actually pronounced Rata-Twa."

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets Of The Week (July 10, 2022)

17 screenshots from a Twitter thread where people talk about putting their senior dogs in strollers because they're too old to run | Thumbnail includes a photo of a pug dog sitting in a kids stroller 'A little girl in my street has a very old pug with severe arthritis. Today I saw her gently strap him into a baby stroller & wait for the postie so they could chase after it, running & laughing as the pup barked like hell. You know, just in case you forgot what love means.'

Thoughtful Things Dog Owners Do To Make Their Senior Doggos Feel Not-So-Senior