Animal Comedy Newsletter


bunny mom vows to call every single day to get the medication her rabbit needs

"Don't mess with mama!': Bunny mom promises to bombard vet office with calls every day after rude receptionist refuses to refill her sweet baby's medication

It only took her two days before the vet broke.
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10 videos of dogs needing extra love and cuddles while waking up from anesthesia

The Most Wholesome Reactions of Dogs Waking Up from Anesthesia

10 videos of dogs needing extra love and cuddles while waking up from anesthesia.
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internet praises vet tech who sleeps on the floor with recovering dog

'Vet techs have the biggest hearts!': Redditors praise veterinary nurse for sleeping on the floor with scared dog post-surgery

As a pet parent, having to leave your sick fur baby behind at the vet can be terrifying and stressful. It's comforting to know that there are vets out there who will treat your beloved pet like their own while they're in their care.
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