Animal Comedy Newsletter


30 pictures of chunky animals | Thumbnail includes one picture of a komodo dragon doing the splits and one picture of chubby puppies

30 Extra Thicc Animals To Add Some Chubby Cuteness To Your Weekend

Thicc with two c's
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30+ Mood Lifting Pudgy Animals Who Are Thicc, Chonky, and Ready for Cuddles

30+ Mood Lifting Pudgy Animals Who Are Thicc, Chonky, and Ready for Cuddles

Oh lawd they comin'
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12 pictures of sheep and text and 1 video of sheep | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Sky - Sheep to make your day better MEDIC' and 'Vehicle registration plate - Sheep to make your day better NISSAN 08 247 AGC A'

This Video's Got Everything You Need For A Good Day - Twerking Sheep, Happy Prances, And A Whole Lot of Happy Dancing Sheep

A big ol' dose of sheep serotonin
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17 pictures of corgis | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Dog' and 'Dog breed - your girlfriend is outta town for the weekend a buddy of yours asks you to dogsit for a few days he drops off this corgi wyd ME I Jill Send a chat C 59% 7:47 PM >'

Thicc Thighs Save Lives: 17 Corgi Butts That Are Definitely Thirst-Trap Material

We're feeling parched
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guinea pig, guinea pig video, pregnant pets, pregnancy, pregnancy scare, pregnant, babies, baby animals, cute video, guinea pigs, adorable, cute, cuteness, pets, pet videos, lol, chonk, thicc, chonky, fatty, fat

'This little piggy got an ultrasound': Chonky Guinea Pig Goes to the Vet Because of a Pregnancy Scare and the Results are Adorable

Is she pregnant or is she just thicc?
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9 pictures and videos of absolute unit large doggos | thumbnail left large thick short dog, thumbnail right huge brown dog sitting in human's lap

Smol Series Of Absolute Unit Doggos, Big Dogs With Lots Of Love To Give

Big boys and gals
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