Animal Comedy Newsletter


Hilariously Relatable Poodle Memes That'll Make You Feel As Posh As Can Be

Peep These Awwdorable Poodle Memes to Start Your Day On a Pawsitive Note

the epawtome of posh
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Baby Monkey Found on the Side of the Road, Gets Rescued by Wholesome Wildlife Worker Who Nurtures Her Until She Returns to the Wild (Video)

Baby Monkey Found on the Side of the Road, Gets Rescued by Wholesome Wildlife Worker Who Nurtures Her Until She Returns to the Wild (Video)

Wholesome monkey business
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25 Delicious Dog Meme Treats Satisfy Your Sweet Sunday Cravings | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a dog eating ice cream from a cone with ice cream all over its mouth ‘Hi, my name is Dave, and I tried ice cream for the very first time’, the other image shows a puppy biting a human hand ‘OMG please send help, I’ve been attacked by a vicious beast..’

25 Delicious Dog Meme Treats to Satisfy Your Sweet Sunday Cravings

We just hope you haven’t spoiled your stomach with ice cream yet.
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27 Sweet Sunday Memes Animal Kingdom Keep You Calm Ahead Work Week | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a goat grumpily standing on a broken trampoline ‘My goat broke his trampoline and he’s very upset. Anyone have a small one for cheap?’, the other image shows a dog sitting on a chair with its head resting on a table ‘Couldn’t find Zeke. Looked outside to find this. I think he’s recovering from 2020’

27 Sweet Sunday Memes from the Animal Kingdom to Keep You Calm Ahead of the Work Week

Whether you know it or not, the animals are looking out for you.
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26 Sweet Animal Memes Start Weekend Sweetened Saturday | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a cat looking through the gap in a fence below a sign ‘BEWARE of DOG’, the other image shows sharks from different angles ‘Thresher sharks look like how I feel during any interaction’

26 Sweet Animal Memes to Start the Weekend with a Sweetened Saturday

You’ve always got to put your best foot forward.
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29 animal memes | Thumbnail includes one meme including 'Sir, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, Cthulhu?"' and one meme including 'NO MAN CAN KILL ME I AM NO MAN BAMBOOZLED AGAIN'

Sweet Saturday Sightseeing Over the Savanna of Silliness to Enjoy All the Hilarious Memes From Our Animal Friends

Here you will find wild animal memes in their natural habitat
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Awwdorable and Howlarious Hippo Memes In Honor of The Furless, Fabulous, Moo Deng

A Swimming Hole Full of 25 Hearty Hippo Memes That Are Just as Cute as the Majestic Moo Deng

otherwise known as "the water woofer"
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29 adorable dog photos | Thumbnail includes 2 photos of dogs

29 Photos of Gorgeous Golden Retrievers That Prove Beauty Is in the Eye of the Begolden

We need to get ourselves a Golden Retriever, now.
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Hilarious Animal Posts Across Animal Kingdom Sweeten Your Saturday | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a dog with its head under a tap in a bathroom ‘“Lemme just drink a quick gallon.”’, the other image shows a cat with its head poking out of a litter box ‘My cat Mr. Puss looks like a snail when he poops’

22 Hilarious Animal Posts from Across the Animal Kingdom to Sweeten Your Saturday

Can you really think of a better way?
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31 Owl-dorable Owl Memes That’ll Give You a Hoot of a Laugh Today

31 Owl-dorable Owl Memes To Prepare You for Spooktober With Some Hootin’ Laughs

Owl City over here
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Pawdorable Puppy Insists on Sitting on Strangers During Flights with His Hooman, They All Agree, He Captures Their Hearts One Lap at a Time

Pawdorable Puppy Insists on Sitting on Strangers During Flights with His Hooman, They All Agree, He Captures Their Hearts One Lap at a Time

Win-win situation
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Pesto the Huge Baby Penguin Breaks World Record for His Awwbsolutely Abnormal Size, While Wholesomely Capturing Hoomans’ Hearts Around the Globe

Pesto the Huge Baby Penguin Breaks World Record for His Awwbsolutely Abnormal Size, While Wholesomely Capturing Hoomans’ Hearts Around the Globe

King Pesto
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27 animal pictures | Thumbnail includes two pictures of animals

27 Uplifting Adorable Animal Posts Sweeter Than a Mug of Hot Apple Cider for People Parched of Pawsitivity

Hot apple cider and happy animals, what more could you ask for on a Fall day?
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21 Awwdorable Mouse Memes That'll Make Your Heart Melt

21 Marvelous Mouse Memes for Pawrents Who Enjoy Mousing Around

got cheese?
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27 Cute and Awwdorable Opossum Memes to Boost Your Mood Today

27 Playful Possum Memes to Peep On Your Lunch Hour

if you're hungry, they're hungry. give them your food
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Mama Duck Leaves Behind Injured Duckling, Concerned Hooman Decides to Rescue the Baby and Gets Him Back on His Feet

Mama Duck Leaves Behind Injured Duckling, Concerned Hooman Decides to Rescue the Baby and Gets Him Back on His Feet (Video)

Duck Daddy
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