Animal Comedy Newsletter


12 photos of Dachshunds enjoying their summer | Thumbnail includes a picture of a black Dachshund laying on a green and pink beach towel 'Hotdog summer'

12 Hotdoggo Dachshunds Soaking In The Summer Sun And Simply Vibing

Hotdog summer
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2 TikTok videos and funny comments about a dog that farts every time she wants to go outside and sunbathe | Thumbnail includes a french bulldog near a human, a french bulldog going outside, and a french bulldog sunbathing 'i think i accidentally taught my dog that if she farts she gets to go outside and suntan... i thought it meant she had to poo... but she just goes out there and sits on the tanning bed...'

Hooman Accidentally Trains Her Dog To Fart Whenever She Wants To Go Outside And Sunbathe

She's squishy and smart
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