
reddit thread about a dog saving a child with autism | thumbnail includes a picture of a baby in a high chair next to a giant dog 'My Lola saved my autistic sons life today This is our Lola. She was adopted a couple of months ago and immediately meshed with our family and our 4 young boys. One of them, is neurodivergent and autistic and has a terrible eloping habit. I thought he couldn't get through locks but he can. My neighbor ran into my house and told me my son and dog were outside and'

Pawmazing Dog Saves The Life Of An Autistic Baby, Fiercely Protecting Him As He Runs Out Into The Street Unattended

viral twitter thread about someone rescuing a deer stuck on ice and other animals recognizing that they are being saved | thumbnail includes two pictures including a deer slipping on ice and a person dragging a deer on the ice and two tweets 'Science girl @gunsnrosesgirl3 This guy found deer on frozen lake' and 'Puck! @puhcko A real evidence of God's providence through man is that you can go fully flowstate instinctual in these situations and the animal will recognize it and'

Amazing Stories Of People Rescuing Animals, The Animals Recognizing That They Are Being Saved And Thanking The Humans

7 pictures of dogs and 16 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes three pictures of dogs, one picture of a question mark, and one picture of text including 'What an outcome'

Family Adopts "Chihuahua" Sister Puppies, One Year And 120 lbs. Later Find Out That They're Not Chihuahuas At All

22 pictures of text and one picture of a tiger behind a window | Thumbnail includes one picture of a NYPD officer outside of a window with a tiger behind it and one picture of text including '"Pspspspsps"'

Man Secretly Keeps 350 lb. Tiger In NYC Apartment, Turns Out To Be A Not-So-Purrfect Roommate After Unfortunate Accident

viral twitter thread about a student who found a coyote's skull in a bag in a lab | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Kairo @Kairo Anatomika Many years ago, when I was a student, I was helping the lab clean out their freezer when I came upon a bl dsoaked package wrapped in plastic. No one knew where it came from or how long it had been there..... 2:48 AM Jan 8, 2024 2.9M Views 71 7.1K 53K 8.3K ... ↑'

Student Finds A Mysterious Package Wrapped In Plastic In A Lab Freezer, Discovers The Skull Of An Unexpected Animal

Pig Sanctuary Shares Sweet Story of a Piggy Living His Best Life After Being Rescued From Falling Off a Moving Truck

Pig Sanctuary Shares Sweet Story of a Piggy Living His Best Life After Being Rescued From Falling Off a Moving Truck

viral twitter thread about someone adopting a pigeon and more animals getting adopted | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Gabrielle Drolet @gabrielledrolet when I got the pigeon from the spca i was behind someone who'd just paid $500 for a puppy. so I go and I fill out the paperwork and they’re like "ok that'll be $15." and I said “what." and they said “that'll be $15." and I said "are you sure??" and they said “ya. it's a pigeon" 10:28 PM Dec 19, 2023 2.6M Views 212 2.4K 74K : 1.9K ↑'

Adopt, Don't Shop: Wholesome Stories Of People Adopting The 'Cheapest' Animal At The Shelter And Loving Every Second Of It

twitter thread about a gorilla who saved a child that fell into her enclosure | thumbnail includes two pictures of a gorilla holding a human child and one tweet 'Fascinating → @fascinate Subscribe In 1996, an unidentified 8-year-old boy slipped away from his mother, climbed over a barrier, and fell into the Gorilla Enclosure. Due to the 20 ft fall, the boy broke his hand and suffered a deep laceration to his face. Seven gorillas inhabited the enclosure. Gorillas are known to'

The Amazing Story Of How 8-Year-Old Boy Who Fell Into A Gorilla Enclosure Got Heroically Rescued By One Of The Mother Gorillas

best animal news stories of 2023 | thumbnail includes three images including a bald eagle with an eaglet and a dog wearing a vest and a bird looking at a phone

The Most Wholesome Animal News Stories Of 2023 For An Uplifting End Of The Year

1 video of a lion walking on a street, 4 pictures of a lion in the street, and 4 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of a lion and one picture of text including 'He declined to comment on reports of sabotage, including that the lock was forced, saying an investigation was under way. But he said it had never happened before and it was “very strange”.'

Lion Escapes Circus In Suspected Sneaky Sabotage In Quaint Italian Town, Whole Town Hides In Fear

7 pictures of people and a dog and 9 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes one picture of a family laughing on a couch with a dog and one picture of text including 'Font - So when Bolt, well, bolted, the family did everything it could to find him, calling local shelters and searching everywhere they knew to look for their family pet.  “We searched high, low, here, there, everywhere,” said Leuning.'

Family Dog Runs Away During Hurricane, Two Years And 1,200 Miles Later Family Gets A Big Surprise (Pictures & Story)

17 pictures of dogs, bears, and text | Thumbnail includes one picture of a dog, one picture of a dog and a bear, a question mark graphic, and one picture of text including 'Font - mattleon01 Don't you just hate when that happens?'

Family Adopts A 'Dog', Two Years And 200+ Lbs Later Discover It's Not Actually A Dog At All (Pictures & Comments)

21 memes of stories of a dog shelter volunteer | Thumbnail includes one meme of a woman and dog hugging including 'Dog - FAVORITE DOG GETS ADOPTED CRY AS SOON AS THEY LEAVE THE SHELTER' and one picture of text including 'Font - This is basically the story of my life. Its really hard not to fall in love with each and every dog there so you need to have a barrier up to distance yourself from the dogs. Even with that, some of them leave real holes in your heart when they are ad'

21 Emotional Stories From The Heroes That Volunteer At Dog Shelters

puppy stray rescue rescue-dog stray-dog story foster cute dogs cute-dogs beagle hound

'I wish this for every stray': Two Sisters Find a Stray Puppy in the Woods, Nursing Her Back to 100% With a Lil' TLC

14 pictures of text and moose | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Smile - ㅜㅜㅜ', 'Plant - PORISATE SANKEYWRY', and 'Font - 'Halfway across the ditch, maybe like 50 yards, there was a black bear standing there,' Mark Skage said'

Man Fired For Saving Baby Moose On Highway From Black Bear After Driving It To Safety In Company Truck (Story & Pictures)

20 pictures of text and animals | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Font - Should I let my dog have her own cat?', 'Dog - W WHERE TAKEEWA', and 'Font - shellischofield · 7 days ago I fostered a 3 week old kitten and a 5 week old Rottweiler at the same time...they fell in love with each other and bonded closer than any two animals I have ever seen...and I foster a lot! Although I hadn't originally planned to keep either of them, I couldn't imagine separating I adopted'

A Pet For A Pet: Heartwarming Stories Of Pets Adopting Fur Babies, Resulting In A Happier And More Furry Family (Wholesome Reddit Thread)