Animal Comedy Newsletter


Your Peanut? No, I Haven't Seen It

best of the week eating food guilty Hall of Fame hide lies peanut peanuts squirrel squirrels - 6103461120
See all captions Created by hlmedic

Han's Almonds Are Squirrelly

star wars squirrel nuts Han Solo - 8463162624
See all captions Created by Yurii

Someone's Been Watching Streetcar

Marlon Brando squirrel yelling - 6428424448
See all captions Created by lolMATTMANlol

Mai Bad, I Juss Bak Down Nice an Slow, 'K?

whoops squirrel tree - 8452497920
See all captions Created by Emerald63

The Squirrel Has a Good Night Planned

wtf squirrel wine funny g rated - 8426315264
Created by anselmbe

Is it Paranoia if They Really are Out to Get You?

paranoid squirrel - 8425692160
See all captions Created by MSchreff

Behold the Majesty of Mint Chocolate Chip

animals grand canyon ice cream squirrel - 8422094336
See all captions Created by Greencliff

Bear with it, Yogi!

squirrel bear - 8419427584
See all captions Created by Greencliff

Dog Chases Cat Chases Squirrel Chases Red Dot

red dot squirrel Cats - 8417565952
See all captions

Don't Make Me Nibble Your Ankles

squirrel park peanut nuts - 8413911040
See all captions Created by Chris10a

A Squirrel on My Back Doesn't Seem as Bad

squirrel monkey - 8400829952
See all captions Created by amathistblue

Please to Save that For After the New Year

animals corn new year squirrel noms - 8410446592
See all captions Created by MadMike1000

To Be Fair, Squirrels are More Difficult to Spot

squirrel deer - 8403941120
See all captions Created by JimPrice

An Orange Cheez-It, For Me?

christmas present squirrel - 8402409216
Via buddhakriss

But Then, He Was A Little Squirrely To Begin With

nuts squirrel - 8400346880
See all captions Created by mamawalker

Squirrels. Not Even Once.

squirrel photographer - 8397939456
See all captions Created by Beeso3