Animal Comedy Newsletter


30 pictures of animals in sweaters | Thumbnail includes two pictures of animals in sweaters

Curl Up With a Pumpkin Spice Latte and These Cute Cozy Animals Swaddled in Sweet Snuggly Sweaters

Sweater weather is upon us
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dog dogs canine canines dog-rescue rescue foster cuddly wholesome uplifting cute cuteness adorable adoption puppy puppies rescued saved foster-fail

Uplifting Foster Story Goes Viral When a Skin-and-Bones Puppy Named 'Roo' Defies the Odds and Becomes a Rambunctious Puppy Again

Impawsibly lovable
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dog dogs doggo pooch pup puppy pupper senior senior-dog senior-pets adopted adoption pets pet cute snuggle wholesome foster saved rescue rescued

PUPDATE: Senior Dog Named Bubba Gets Saved from the Pound on His Last Day, Then Learns What It's Like to Live Cage-Free and Loved by a Family

Everyone deserves a second chance
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